
How to rock a sleeveless dress at any age.


Josefa Pete, looking stylish.




Here’s the thing; the older I get the more of my body I seem to cover up.

Sure part of this mindset is maturity and that I no longer want to run around in tiny skirts and crop tops, aka the era of my late teens. But part of this mind set is also the fear that I can’t wear certain things, all because of my age and the way my body has changed with that age.

Dresses are rarely the tight fitting variety and more the loose flowing variety. Jeans have a great deal more elastic and if I can layer, then layer I will in an attempt to hide all the imperfections.

Winter is somewhat easier to manage, but with spring and then summer only around the corner the same battles start up again in my head. “You can’t wear this and you can’t wear that.” This winter I need to shed that attitude. I need to stop thinking that my body is not good enough.

So maybe the best place to start is sleeveless dresses; a fashion faux paus in the minds of many women over thirty. The fashion police dictate that arms that aren’t toned, tanned and are prone to sweating need to remain hidden. I call bulls**t on this.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Dove. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

Let’s throw caution to the wind and get on with it. Here’s how you can rock a sleeveless dress, at any age.

Layer up with a beautiful printed silk scarf.

1. Layer it

You can layer sleeveless dresses with light cardigans, silk scarves, vests or jackets. Layer prints with solids for a super cute look. And take old fashion pieces, team them up with new fashion pieces and make it work for the new season.

2. Accessories make the girl

Add a chunky necklace, beautiful earrings or even an arm full of bangles. This can help to shift the focus away from being sleeveless and give you that extra boost of confidence only bling can bring.


3. Just Stop Caring

The tight, effort free bodies of our twenties are different in our thirties, but we are still all kinds of awesome. If I am honest with myself, it is my perception of my body that has changed more than my body itself. In which case, I need to have a long hard talk with my confidence and set some things straight.

4. Confidence and Trust

The best way to wear sleeveless dresses or anything for that matter is with a little confidence. Trust that your body has always been your best and most loyal friend. If a designer wasn’t proud to recommend their pieces to the women they love most, they wouldn’t create them.

5. Care

Taking care of our body ensures we can wear anything. Find what works best for you and stick to it: the gym, running, yoga or long walks to clear the mind. If you have a healthy mind and a healthy body, then anything will look good on you.

6. Beauty

Feeling like you look your best is the result of proper care and not about keeping abreast of fashion trends. The belief that beauty is skin deep needs to go. Beauty is looking after you and having the confidence to accept who you are.

Shedding the inhibitions we have about our bodies can be terrifying. But it should be liberating. We need to stop being safe in our fashion choices and dress in a way that boosts confidence, and trust in the products that look after us. Women over 30 need the confidence to wear everything, sleeveless dresses, colours, black and white.

So, go out there and be awesome.

What do you wish you felt more confident wearing when the weather starts warming up?

For some serious aged style inspiration, check out these pictures from the Advanced Style Instagram… 


Dove wants to change the way women feel about wearing colour across the world! By liberating women to wear more of the colours they love, whether it is black, white or any colour in between, Dove wants women to feel confident and free to wear the colours they love most. Whether it’s to work, out with friends, at home or while shopping, Dove Invisible Dry gives women the confidence to wear more of their favourite colours by protecting against white marks ruining their clothing. Invisible Dry is Dove’s first anti-white mark deodorant proven to leave no marks on 100 different colours, from black to white and all colours in between.  Whilst it doesn’t leave any white marks on clothes, it contains all the goodness of Dove including its unique ¼ moisturising cream,  which also helps nourish skin to reduce the irritation from shaving.

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