I love my vibrator. I talk to it. But sometimes we don’t have to talk. We share a knowing look and a wink. I’ll be seeing you later babes. My vibrator travels with me and we have incredible holidays together. And may I confess, my vibrator has occasionally come to work with me.
It’s a gorgeous aqua blue and is shaped sort of like a dugong. I love dugongs.
My vibrator gave me my first ever clitoral orgasm, and I’m ashamed to say that this happened just a few years ago. I didn’t have one before this. I thought I couldn’t do it, like I was missing a critical bit and I had long given up. So had my lovers. That’s the sad part, that I could have been having amazing eye rolling, toe curling orgasms decades ago.
So, yeah, my vibrator. We’re close, we’ve been through a lot together.
Lately though, I have been thinking about breaking up with my dugong. Just a break, mind you.
Oh, I don’t know.
I have become so obsessed with it, I can’t climax any other way. I know the exact spot to work on myself and no one else can do it. I fired my fingers long ago.
I feel like my vibrator is a jealous lover, isolating me, making me feel like nothing else will get me off. And the psychological torment is working. I now think I can’t get off without the sound of buzzing. And just me. The dugong. No distractions. I have to concentrate so hard and anything can put me off.
But then: dazzling lights. Full body shivers. The works, baby.
People I sleep with, well, they have to get on board. We’re a team, me and the dugong. Sometimes I bring my trusty steed along to the sex party and make the human shut up and not touch me after we have sex so that I can spend some time with my little blue lover.
Side note: A sex column has gone viral after a guy asked for advice as to why his girlfriend was masturbating AFTER sex, that’s why it is time to talk about men and orgasms…Post continues after audio.