
Now THIS is how you should treat a breastfeeding mother in public.

You’d be excused for thinking you were about to read yet another tale of a mum shamed for breastfeeding in public but no, this story is very different. And guaranteed to restore your faith in strangers.

Briar Lusia Mcqueen says that she was in Gusto cafe at Mount Maunganui in New Zealand last week with her eight week old son, Jaxon.

As babies of that age tend to do, he got fussy for a feed. Naturally it was just as her meal arrived but babies tend not to care for these moments in life.

Briar began feeding her son when she noticed and older lady approaching her table.

She told Mamamia that she was nervous because as a first time mother she thought the women was going to tell her off for nursing in public (and it’s no wonder after all the stories we have heard about this kind of prehistoric behaviour).

But instead, Briar says she was left speechless and touched when the lady took the knife and fork in her hands and began cutting up the meal, so that she could eat it one handed while she nursed Jaxon.

As she did so she said, “what a good mama you are, we can’t have your food getting cold can we?”

Briar says the the kind actions of a stranger left her shocked and surprised. “I started to well up and couldn’t thank her enough”, she told Mamamia.

“I was so surprised and in complete awe of her I forgot to ask her name I just thanked her over and over again, she just walked off like it was nothing.”


Since sharing her story online, Briar has been left overwhelmed by the support she has received.

I was thinking maybe I’d get a few likes on my face book page, not 1000s!! I’m honestly just in shock about all this random people from all over the world are messaging me and sending me 100s of friend requests I can’t believe it!”

Post continues after video.

She hopes to spread her appreciation far and wide, and through the power of social media, thank the lady for her kind actions.

I would love nothing more than to show her how far spread her good dead has gone, if she could see all the comments she would be just as shocked as I am! The lady who approached me was a regular there. She’s a member of the ‘Mount joggers and walkers club’ she was there with a group of her friends all dressed in that uniform.”

She gets a thank you from the Mamamia Parenting team too.

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