
Easy ways to show someone you care (without being awkward).


Our wedding was a low-key, relaxed affair that my husband and I completely loved and thoroughly enjoyed. Everything came together the way we wanted it to, down to the handmade invites, the vows we wrote in spare moments in the lead up, and the song list that defined the key moments of the day. It was a backyard wedding — I was in a floral dress and sandals while my husband-to-be wore a suit he ordered from ASOS that arrived only two days before the wedding.

Yep, that relaxed.

Despite it being a lot less complex than other weddings, it was still a busy time for both of us. After we finally sat down and sifted through all the wedding cards and gifts, we were amazed that all that effort and time had gone into one day, and it was now just… over.

"It was a backyard wedding -- I was in a floral dress and sandals while my husband-to-be wore a suit he ordered from ASOS that arrived only two days before the wedding." Image via iStock.

Which was why, a few weeks later when I received a simple thank you card in the mail from an aunty in Perth whom I don’t spend a lot of time with, I was intrigued to open it.

My aunty’s words read, “It was a unique and beautiful wedding in its honesty, freshness, simplicity and sincerity.”

“We find ourselves relating to the day’s celebrations and commitment ceremony time and again.”

Tears sprung in my eyes as I read it out to my husband, so touched that all the little elements we strung together, so meaningful for us on our wedding day, had also been meaningful to my aunty. Meaningful enough for her to reach out and write those words to me. It was the most beautiful thank you card I have ever received.

Her effort at reaching out to me like that has since spurred me to always make that extra step to contact people and let them know my feelings, whether it be a special occasion or no reason at all.

Here are some simple ways you can reach out to people in your life to show them that you care, with out being awkward about it.

Send a photo in the mail of an event hosted by someone.

After a great BBQ, party or even a girls’ night find the best photo you took (even from if it was just on your phone) print it out and give it to the event organiser as a little thank you. When you look back on life, it’s the photos that capture the seemingly simple moments that you realise were actually the most precious.


Leave a homemade treat or meal on the doorstep of a friend who’s having a rough time.

Whenever I’ve struggled in my life, looking after myself and eating properly tends to be the first thing to slide. Reach out to a friend who’s going through a rough patch with something home baked or a hearty meal that can double as leftovers. Leaving it on the doorstep with a simple note shows that you are offering support without asking anything in return.

Encourage your kids to make card creations for their friends.

One of my favourite wedding cards was a hand drawn picture of my husband and I holding hands, created by my gorgeous niece. Encourage your kids to personalise cards and gifts to family and friends, for that extra special personal touch that people love.

show you care
"Encourage your kids to personalise cards and gifts to family and friends, for that extra special personal touch that people love." Image via iStock.

Create a personalised gift for a loved one.

If you’re looking for unique present that you’re guaranteed no one else will have, why not try personalising an object like a mug or a key ring with a memorable image. Sharing that special memory on something that is used everyday is a touching way to show a friend or family member that you care.

How do you show you care?

Here are some non-cheesy empathy cards that will also help.




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