
A bizarrely "unprofessional" sign about a doctor's resignation has the internet in uproar.


A doctor’s waiting room is full of curious objects.

Old, yellowing magazines containing celebrity gossip of yesteryear.

Quirky children’s toys, fake plants, interesting fellow patients for people-watching opportunities.

However, one woman’s discovery during her latest visit to her doctor tops the list by far.

It was a note detailing the reasons behind one of the doctor’s resignation. A fairly personal, and frankly bizarre reason at that.

The Illinois medical clinic had sticky-taped a notice to the glass that claimed the doctor had quit because “his wife would not allow him to work with a newly hired ‘female’ nurse”.


Susan Rolens, a shocked patient of the doctor in question, couldn’t believe her eyes on viewing the sign – sharing a photo of it on Facebook and describing it as “the most unprofessional thing” she’d ever seen.

But that wasn’t all:

“I went to see my doctor, Dr Lupardus a few minutes ago to find this sign. I told the receptionist that this was the most unprofessional thing I’ve ever seen and asked who did this,” she wrote on Facebook.

“The next thing I know, they are telling me I can’t see my doctor’s back up,” she continued, adding she was allegedly instructed to “leave”.

Rolen has since told Fox 2: “I thought it was unprofessional for a business to post something like that about a beloved doctor.”

“I told them it was unprofessional and they asked me to leave the premises. I told them I needed my medicine refilled,” she added.

The image has received hundreds of comments since her post, triggering a heated discussion between social media users surrounding who exactly is the unprofessional party in the situation.


Many agreed that it was in fact the doctor himself, arguing that it was a hugely problematic reason for leaving a job.

“I don’t see why there are so many comments on how this is so unprofessional on the staff’s part,” one wrote. “What about the doctor who refuses to work with another caregiver because of her gender?”

Another said: “If he quit his practice because they hired a woman, then he is unprofessional.”

Many, however, thought the staff who posted the note were in the wrong for revealing private details.

“The doctors office acted unprofessional and inappropriate by putting up information on the reception window,” one person said.

“Regardless of the reason he left, this sign should not have been posted,” another added.

Others simply labelled the whole scenario absurd: “You gotta be kidding, right? This sounds so ridiculous.”

“The lack of confidentiality is appalling. I would be concerned about this if I were a patient,” another said.

The female nurse practitioner mentioned in the notice has commented on the situation, telling Fox 2 the doctor handed in his resignation after refusing to speak to her on her first day of the job.

“On my first day on the job as the nurse practitioner, I went to Dr Lupardus and said ‘Can I ask you a question.’ His reply was ‘He, the other doctor, is dealing with you, not me.’ I told him it was regarding his patients and was told, ‘The other doctor will answer any questions,’ and he walked away. He did not speak to me the rest of the day.”

The doctor has yet to comment.

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