
When a man moved into a new home, he discovered a sad reality in the basement.


We need to tell you the story of ‘Jumping Bean’, the pit bull terrier.

This is a feel-good story about a happy lil’ doggo… but it does start off a bit sad.

You see, a man in St Louis, in the United States, recently bought a new house. When the new homeowner was preparing to move in, he discovered a doggo that had been chained to the basement and left there to die.

Watch the video of Jumping Bean’s rescue below. Post continues.

Thankfully the man immediately contacted Stray Rescue of St Louis and volunteers rushed to the scene to rescue the poor pupper.

The pit bull, who has now been named ‘Jumping Bean’, was so excited to see the humans, she jumped up and down and wagged her tail.

“When we opened the door to the basement and shined our flashlight down, we saw a wagging tail,” Natalie Thomson, the group’s communications director, told The Dodo.

“She was nearly choking herself as she was so excited to see us. When we freed her, she couldn’t stop jumping up and down and giving hugs.”

The rescuers got to lil’ Jumping Bean just in time as there were no food or water bowls left behind for her. She had been left on a short chain and had been living among her own poo.

Jumping Bean also had no microchip so the shelter couldn’t track down her original owners. They believe she was abandoned by a squatter who had also left behind a bunch of rubbish.

The pupper was so excited to be rescued and is winning hearts everywhere with her cute lil’ face and happy deposition.

“Her personality is completely adorable,” Thomson said.

“She loves everyone she meets and craves attention. She makes sure she is not ignored! She’s an energetic and very affectionate pup! She is so happy all the time.”

She is most definitely a very good girl.

If you’d like to adopt your own little Jumping Bean, check out the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home website.

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