
5 ways to persuade your skin to forgive you

Image: Alyx, taking sunscreen more seriously now. 

We’ve all done regrettable things to our skin, especially when we were younger.

My personal skin regrets include wearing SPF 15 sunscreen and no hat to an all-day music festival and never reapplying. The specter of freckles from that day still haunt my nose.  I’ve also fallen asleep with my makeup on more times than my complexion or white pillows could handle and I have the terrible habit of picking at my face.

But, unlike when you accidentally stand up a friend, it takes more than an apologetic bottle of bubbles or bunch of flowers to convince your skin to forgive your past transgressions. And it doesn’t take many wrong-doings to seriously upset your skin.

That doesn’t mean it can’t be done though. Stepping through a wormhole to implore your younger self to experiment with wider brims is not yet scientifically possible, but there are things you can do in the here and now to reverse some of the pain you’ve inflicted in the past.

There are even some things that can fight back skin problems before they even emerge on your face.

Now, what can be done to undo that damage?

1. Embrace good fats

Your dermis is your body’s largest organ, so what you put in your mouth will always show up on your face. There are some foods your skin loves better than others, and these are the ones you should be eating lots of to compensate for past indiscretions.

Foods rich in essential fatty acids, especially Omega 3 are brilliant for your skin. Omega 3 is an anti-inflammatory, and less inflammation leads to a calmer complexion, especially in those prone to redness. Omega 3 fatty acids are also vital for maintaining healthy cell membranes. When cell membranes work properly, your skin is more able to protect itself from undesirable elements, while allowing in the nutrients it needs and eliminating the waste it doesn’t.


Seafood is the best source of Omega 3, and salmon is an especially impressive skin food.  Nuts, whole grains, olive oil, flaxseed oil and garlic are also high in Omega 3 – so eating Mediterranean style is never a bad idea.

2. Eat for your complexion

While good fats are important, it takes more than this for skin to really thrive.  Antioxidants aren’t quite a time machine, but they can help slow the way your skin ages by preventing the process of oxidation. Fresh fruits and vegetables that are brightly coloured are the highest in antioxidants – think blueberries, broccoli and red kidney beans.

All antioxidants are good antioxidants, but Beta Carotene (aka Vitamin A) is the fairest of them all – or rather the yellowest. Carotenoids like Beta Carotene give fruits and vegetables their orange colour. A Scottish study found that eating foods high in carotenoids could give people a more golden complexion in just six weeks – no UV exposure required. Vitamin A also promotes cell turnover. So make sure to include lots of papaya and rock melon in your fruit salads, and keep chomping on those carrots, bunny.

3. Don’t make a bad situation worse

It’s never too late to start wearing sunscreen. In fact, if you’ve been burned before, slopping on some broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) protection becomes even more important, since sun damage accumulates incrementally.


Even at night, you’re not safe from UV damage, as the light from computer screens and fluorescent globes also emits mild ultra violet rays. The amount of sunscreen you’re meant to use, and the stage in your skincare regimen you’re meant to apply it might surprise you. During the day, the Cancer Council recommend using a whole teaspoon of SPF 30+ on your face, and applying it straight onto the skin, rather than over moisturizer. The easiest way to achieve this is to use a moisturizer that is also a broad-spectrum sunscreen, layered underneath a foundation or BB cream that also contains SPF protection.

If you’re planning on spending the day out doors, sunscreen alone will not be enough. You should also invest in a wide-brimmed hat, and stick to the shade wherever possible.

4. Find a serum that will work for you

Take a look at your parents’ skin, and try to project the damage you might be prone to down the line. Does your mother have deep wrinkles? Discoloration or dullness? These are concerns that could well be in your future too – so look out for something that can specifically treat these problems, even if they haven’t arisen yet.

Lately, I’ve been using the new Clinique Custom Repair Smart Serum, since it is able to address a range of different concerns – from dullness to wrinkles – in a targeted manner. I love the texture of the Serum, and my complexion seems brighter already. My biggest worries are discolouration and redness, and this serum contains the antioxidant amino acid Ergothioneine, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties; plus glucosamine and salicylic acid to help with cell turn over.


It’s important to use a serum in addition to the other products in your regimen because serums are one of the best ways to deliver a load of targeted, active ingredients to your skin in one go.

While a moisturiser is great when it comes to keeping skin hydrated, and its protective barrier intact; serums can be used to treat concerns that are specific to your skin. If you’ve never used a serum before, the trick is to pat it on after cleansing, then wait five minutes for it to absorb fully into your skin before applying your sunscreen and moisturiser.

5. Learn to meditate

Clearing your mind of distractions and becoming aware of yourself in the moment doesn’t seem like an obvious solution to damaged skin – but it works.

Prolonged stress isn’t just terrible for your mental state, it wears out your body as well, and your skin is no exception. Stress can trigger problems the skin is already prone to, like rosacea and breakouts, and can lead to a dull or even ashen complexion.

A meta-analysis of meditation studies has shown that regular mindfulness based meditation can equip people to deal better with stress.  Meditation doesn’t heal your skin through manifestation or wishful thinking, but by reducing your over-all stress levels. When you’re calmer and more settled, it shows on your face.

In fact, one of the best things you can do for your skin – the most perfect way to ask for forgiveness - is to breathe deeply and smile as often as you can.

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