Is baby formula so absolutely terrible that we (as a society) refuse to educate new mums about it or even how to use it?
When I reserved my “spot” at the hospital, I was provided with “your baby is coming” leaflets. About half of those talked about breastfeeding. How to do it. Who to go to for help. What’s normal and not normal. They even recommended I take the breastfeeding pre-birth class.
“The more information you know about breastfeeding, the more likely you are to successfully breastfeed,” they said.
At the “this is what happens when you give birth” class, they even mentioned breastfeeding (and how all the mums in the class should go to the breastfeeding class before giving birth).
Before I gave birth, my obstetrician’s midwife sat me down and talked to me about breastfeeding. She went so far as to recommend that I milk myself in my last week of pregnancy to have some colostrum on hand. For the record, I didn’t take her recommendation.