
Embrace the hustle and bustle and make 'busy' work for you.

Thanks to our brand partner, Garnier

School drop-offs. That major presentation for work. The essay due tomorrow. Making that gym class you’ve been meaning to try. Picking up groceries, getting the car serviced, catching up on your favourite TV series so you’re not out of the loop, trying desperately to find a clean outfit to wear tomorrow so you don’t have to do any washing, having something more than toast for dinner…

No matter what your busy day consists of, you are not alone. These days, writing a to-do list seems to be an exhausting task in itself. Our lives are so full, from work to home to balancing social lives and everything else in between.


We all feel that way sometimes Khloe. Image:

Yet a busy schedule isn’t something that we should dreading — though a peaceful Sunday afternoon never goes astray — but something we should be embracing. If the sign of a full life is a good life, then women have it in spades.

Fortunately, that’s what Garnier BB Cream’s Beautifully Busy Campaign is all about.

The Beautifully Busy movement is designed to celebrate the modern lives of Aussie women, remind us that whatever our to-do list is filled with, we’re all beautifully busy (even if at times it feels anything but!). We all have days where it feels a bit too much and others where we smash everything out before 11am.

Being busy means different things for all different women, from family to career, relationships and studying. But no matter what keeps your schedule full, and your alarm set early, busyness is something you should be proud of.

A typical day for Jane involves juggling work, looking after her 18-month-old daughter Matilda, maintaining a social life, her relationship with her husband, keeping up the house and trying to fit in time to switch off. Phew.


Keeping up the house and trying to fit in time to switch off. Phew. Image: Supplied

Like many women, returning to work after maternity leave was a particularly busy time for Jane.

“Work was really busy - almost out of control. Meetings were running over, my husband had to help out a lot while I was adjusting to work again. Managing Matilda at the same time was really hard. Now my hubby helps keep the balance,” she says.

Making an effort to take time for herself whenever she can, Jane has a well-rounded daily beauty regimen that’s helped by a few time-saving products that work as hard as she does.


“I use Garnier BB Cream, Micellar Water, night cream and eye cream,” she says.

A four-in-one multitasker, Garnier BB cream works as a moisturiser, corrector, light foundation and sunscreen to make skin look healthy and radiant in just one simple step. (If only four other tasks in our busy days could be ticked off as quickly...)

“Doing what makes me happy motivates me to keep going with a hectic schedule. I prefer to be busy - it feels normal to me.”

For Amy, being busy looks totally different. As a nurse, she finds it hard to maintain a routine and her shift work means there’s rarely ‘me-time’.


“Doing what makes me happy motivates me to keep going with a hectic schedule." Image: Supplied.

“Being a nurse is a naturally stressful life. It’s demanding, I’m always on my feet, I’m exhausted at the end of the day and it’s difficult to switch off,” she says.

“Now is the busiest time of my life. I’m trying to balance my long distance relationship with my boyfriend who’s an actor in LA, keeping up with him and what’s happening in his life as well as trying to work and save money to visit him. My family also lives an hour away from me, so balancing work and family is challenging.”

One trick Amy sticks to? Keeping things simple when it comes to her beauty regime, showering at night and relying on a tinted moisturiser like the Garnier BB Cream which hydrates her skin, while providing a light natural coverage to help save time in the morning.

Ploy is kept busy being a mother to her two young children, wife and her freelance job as a designer.

“As a freelance designer, I need to take every job I can get, which means there is no such thing as a typical week! School holidays are usually the busiest. I need to balance two kids, a husband, tutors, maths homework. I don’t have any time to sit still,” she remarks.


Ploy is kept busy being a mother to her two young children, wife and her freelance job as a designer. Image: Supplied

For Ploy, being busy means that she is able to set an example for her children.

“I want to do the right thing and lead by example and also provide my kids with all the opportunities in life,” she says.

As someone who admits that she has trouble ‘switching-off’, Ploy relies on things that are going to save her time, and help her find balance in her life. Her biggest tip? Garnier BB Cream, it makes up most of her daily beauty regime, while saving her time.


Yes, some might make it look easier than others, but it’s important to remember you’re never the only one struggling. It’s about embracing and celebrating the craziness of our modern lives - and also looking to make the bits we do have control over as simple for ourselves as possible.

As you’re going about your day, juggling more things than a trained circus act, the Beautifully Busy Campaign is about taking a minute to look at what you’re doing and achieving. Remember to give yourself the praise that you deserve.

So whatever is keeping you on your toes today, feel beautifully busy doing it.

Here's a little more on the project:

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Garnier. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

What does your busy life involve?

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