
This nifty little iPhone hack will let you play your music louder than ever.

There’s one thing that has always irked me the most about owning an iPhone: when I want to play music, it’s just too darn quiet.

(That and the fact that my Touch ID login never seems to work, convincing me that I am either a) a cyborg; or b) the worst Millennial to ever exist.)

Over the years, I’ve witnessed the attempts (and failures) of my friends and family to get their Beyoncé Lemonade album to play just that little bit louder so they can hear it over the sound of washing the dishes.

Alas, my friends, it seems an answer has finally been bestowed upon us.

Twitter user “TheBae” has revealed just one simple settings change can take your iPhone’s music playing ability from a whisper to shout.


All you need to do is head to the ‘music’ tab in settings, hit ‘playback’ under the EQ tab and change the option to ‘late night’.

It’s…it’s really that simple.

iphone music loud headphones
This could be you. Image via Getty.

To best hear the difference, play your favourite song while you change the settings. Toggling between 'off' and 'late night' will help you notice the difference.

Understandably, people were pretty excited about not having to use weird, handmade contraptions (sticking your phone in a glass bowl, anyone?) anymore.



So, sit back and enjoy the sweet, sweet sounds of louder tunes.

LISTEN: Mamamia Out Loud's Monz has a genius productivity tip, but her bosses aren't having a bar of it.

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