real life

To the guy I fell in love with all those years ago: There's something I want you to know.

Hey you…




Hey you, yes, you.

The guy I met all those years ago, the guy I fell in love with. The guy I married under the blistering hot summer sun. The guy my kids call “Daddy”.

I just wanted you to know something. I notice.

Between the sleepless nights and the toddler tantrums, I guess I don’t say it as often as I should, but I notice.

I noticed that from the moment our boys were born, you were smitten. I saw the look of pride and adoration in your eyes as you took them for laps around the hospital corridor so I could sleep. Blissfully unaware of how you were falling more in love with them by the minute. They lay sleeping, snuggled in their little plastic boxes completely oblivious to the fact that your heart was exploding at the sight of them.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Mater Mothers’ Hospitals. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in her own words.

I notice how protective you are of these little people, how no one in the world can touch them. How you would lay down your life to shield them from harm. I see you hover over them at the park, not wanting to get in the way of their learning and exploration, but at the same time, not allowing them to get hurt.

I notice how when they are sick, your mind is consumed. I hear you sneak out into the medicine cabinet at night and rub baby balm on their pyjamas to help them sleep. I hear you refilling the vaporiser and adjusting the heater to keep them comfortable.

I notice how you get up in the night, every night, even when they are not sick to check they are still warm under the covers. I know you tuck them in and tell them you love them, and I believe somewhere in their dreams they hear you.

“I notice how protective you are of these little people…”

I notice how to everyone else, you’re a tough guy. Sometimes a little intimidating and rough. You don’t take rubbish from anyone, and you’re not into pretenders and time wasters. I’ve never met anyone more blunt and direct than you. But to them, you are the biggest marshmallow in the world.


I notice how much effort you put in, how involved you want to be in their world. Even though you come home tired, and just want to put your feet up, you muster up the energy for one last story, or a quick game of soccer.

I notice how you hate to get mad at them, but you know that it’s sometimes necessary. I hear you raise your voice at a defiant three year old, and then observe you battle with your inner monologue, questioning your actions, while he sits in a well-deserved time out.

I notice how you want to teach them, seeing opportunities to learn in everyday activities. Although it takes twice as long, you let them help you in the garden, in the kitchen. You love nothing more than cooking with them, and exposing them to good foods. I see you sitting out in the night air, long after they are asleep planting seedlings so you can grow vegetables with them and show them that they don’t just come pre-packaged on a shelf in the supermarket.

I notice how hard it is for you working so much, and I know that you do it all for us, for them. I know that you work through your lunch breaks and don’t take any days off because you want to do everything you can to give them the world.

Most of all I notice you, a part of you that I suspected was always there, but that I didn’t get to see before our babies were born.

I loved you before they were here, and I’ll love you long after they leave us but just know that even though you might question yourself sometimes, and wonder whether you’re doing the right thing, they love you. I love you. Happy Father’s Day.

How do you let the most special person in your life know that you notice all the amazing things they do?


If you’re not feeling warm and fuzzy enough, flick through our gallery of these loved up celebrity couples…


Mater Mothers’ Hospitals are leaders in the provision of high quality maternity and newborn services for the people of Queensland and northern New South Wales. Providing exceptional care and support of women and their families, Mater Mothers’ Hospitals offer integrated services covering obstetrics, gynaecology, neonatology, and maternal fetal medicine.

Almost 10,000 babies are born at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals every year. Mater welcomes a new baby into the world for every 32 births in Australia.

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