
Why do so many good parents make this one mistake?

Good parents, loving parents, continue to make this one, huge mistake. Why?

Sam, 40 and Gary, 44 are excellent parents. They look after their children, spend heaps of time with them and drive them to their weekend sport.

The couple are on tonight’s new show, Bring Sexy Back. Hosted by Samantha Armytage from Sunrise, the show focuses on helping Aussies regain their health and rediscover their fitness.

Sam and Gary have fallen into the same trap that many busy parents fall into – they have come to rely on takeaway, junk food and soft drinks to help them maintain their ultra-busy schedule. And now, they get a massive wake up call.

Bringing Sexy Back airs tonight on Channel 7

When Sam and Gary are selected to participate in the show, their oldest son Lachlan can't hide his delight, saying, "I'm very excited because they're not going to be sitting on the couch all the time, they'll be up jumping around doing all this stuff."

Mum Sam explains exactly where they've gone wrong. "We've gotten ourselves into such a bad routine that convenience has become our best friend." And she knows it's time to do something about it.

"It's very scary to think that here we are, we have two small kids and something could happen to either of us at any time due to the fact we are overweight."

Dad Gary hits the nail on the head when he realises he's put himself in a position where he could die long before getting to see his boys grow up. "I want to grow old with my kids, I want to grow old with Sam," Gary says, wiping tears from his eyes.

Trainer Cameron explains just how damaging unhealthy choices can be on children. "To be honest, when parents are unhealthy, their kids are exposed to seeing them be unhealthy and the parents don't understand how their own kids will follow in their footsteps from watching them be lazy or unhealthy.

Sam and Gary

"Even if kids want to be active with their parents now, chances are that when they are older they will adopt the same behaviours of their parents without even realising it."

It's while the couple are going through a forced clearing out of junk food in their home that this is made clear. Their youngest son Declan hides a can of soft drink between his legs. When trainer Cameron asks him why, he says because he's 'thirsty'.

He then says his NEVER drink water.

The couple end up losing heaps of weight and look fab after brilliant makeovers. We can only hope they keep their new healthy habits up.

We asked Cameron about the one change he wishes Aussie families would make and he said, "I think there should be a minimum of 1hr of family activity every single day. That can be playing in the back yard or the park, a lounge room work out. Could be playing a game of tag.

"Anything that gets the family moving. "

Bringing Sexy Back airs tonight on Channel 7 at 7.30pm

Are there any unhealthy habits you know you need to change in your family?

CLICK THROUGH the gallery to see Sam and Greg before and after photos.

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