
Is it normal that... My husband has offered me money to lose weight?

My husband is trying to help me lose weight, but I’m not sure he’s going about it the right way. Can you help?

I recently told my husband I want to lose a bit of weight. I’ve been indulging a bit too much lately and have put on around five kilos. I didn’t even really notice until the weather turned cold and I tried to put on last year’s jeans. It was a bit of a squeeze and I was devastated. They are my favourite jeans and I don’t want to buy them in a larger size.

But it’s been harder than I realised to stop constantly snacking. It’s become a bit of a habit.

My husband is doing his best to support me. He doesn’t bring junk food home to me any more and looks after the kids a few times a week while I go for a job. Still, the weight isn’t budging.

Finally, after listening to me whinge and complain again he decided to pull out the big guns. He said he’d give me $1000 out of our tax returns if I lose the weight by July. He knows how much I love buying clothes and he also knows I’m determined to not have to buy them in a larger size.

Well, it’s working. I’ve lost two kilos and have three to go.

Every time I reach for extra food he reminds me of how much fun I’ll have shopping for clothes. He even printed a fake $1000 gift certificate written out to me and stuck it on the fridge.

I’m really grateful for his support but when I told my sister about it, after she spotted the ‘gift voucher’ on the fridge she was horrified. She said he has no right to pay me to lose weight, especially seeing as he is more overweight than I am.

Now I’m second-guessing my husband’s motives. Should I be offended that this is so important to him?

Does my sister have a point? I think my husband is being supportive.

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