All three of my children were born in winter so when summer arrived I was a little thrown by just how to deal with a baby and a hot, sticky, humid summer’s day.
I was used to layering and blankets. Tucking them up in sleeping bags and pram liners. I was unsure of just how to make my baby comfortable, and worried that they’d be too hot or get dehydrated.
What I found was that the messages were confusing.
Keep your baby cool – but not too cool. Avoid the sun, but make sure they get Vitamin D. Don’t cover the pram, but make sure they don’t get overheated.
The fear with our little ones is that babies are sensitive to extremes in temperature because they can’t regulate their internal body temperatures well and are prone to overheating.
We have to be careful for them.
So what do you do?
Well three kids later I’ve finally worked out what’s cool and what’s not when it comes to keeping your baby cool in summer.
1. They need to sleep in a room where the temperature is cool and comfortable.
Experts advise that setting the room temperature around 18°C encourages good sleep. “People tend to set their ambient house or bedroom temperature a little higher than is actually optimal for sleep,” says Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley told The Australian.
He said that in order to sleep the body’s core temperature needs to drop by about two to three degrees. “If our core temperature is too high, the brain cannot easily make the switch from being awake to being asleep, or create the best quality sleep.” A study published by Current Biology has shown that by sleeping in a cooler environment we don’t just fall asleep quicker, but we stay asleep for longer. Just what we want our babies to do.