real life

30 Nights Of Nookie.


Courtney Beck and her partner, Jules.




Do you remember the first time you made love to your partner? If you were drunk, do you remember the 5th time? The first time you were completely sober, and it was electric.

Can you remember the parts of their body that you loved? The nook you wanted to be in forever? The way their skin felt against yours? The feeling that there is no other place on earth that you’d rather be?

Remember when you used to watch them sleep at night, and perhaps even take photos of them? Yes, it was a little creepy, but at that stage it could also be deemed ‘cute’.

Then do you remember when you went from wanting them constantly, to wanting them maybe once a week and only if you weren’t tired?

Do you remember when the dynamics of your sexual relationship changed and when Facebook started to come first over jumping in to bed together?

Did you ever think that Mark Zuckerberg would steal your sex life right out from underneath you?

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Durex. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

Back in those early days (before Zuckerberg stole your libido), there were a thousand things you’d move mountains for to be naked with this person. Now, there’s a thousand things in the way of taking off your pjs.

So, what changed? Well, you got busy. We all do. And you got into a routine, and life continued to get busy.
If you have kids, your life is about them. Your relationship takes the back seat, and then there’s about an hour left at the end of the night before you literally cannot keep your eyes open.


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If I may, I’d like to share with you one of the greatest pieces of advice I have ever been given (particularly if you have kids). To have a happy family, your relationship needs to come first. Why? Because if your relationship breaks down, so does the family. You and your partner need to be solid, and that takes energy.

So, if your relationship has taken the back seat, and Zuckerberg is in the front seat along with a few midgets, a fur child, your job and myriad other things, STOP.

Carve out some pockets of time that are just for you guys, and if you need to go as far as scheduling it in your diary, do whatever it takes (even if it’s so not sexy).

Or if you’re up for a challenge, sign up for 30 Nights Of Nookie.

Don’t waste any time. Jump on board the love train with Jules and I, as we throw ourselves to the Nookie for 30 days.

What have you got to lose? Orgasms. Enough said. Click here to sign up.

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Developed with one of the country’s top relationship experts, Jacqueline Hellyer, the Durex 30 Nights of Nookie programme is a free, month-long challenge specifically designed to bring Aussie couples – at all stages of their relationship – closer together.

Find out more and register now at www. 

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