
We asked a porn star for her ultimate blowjob tips.

We all know why we’re here, so let’s get, erm, down to business…

Know his anatomy

The first step to really great blowjobs is to know his anatomy. Now we all know that there’s more to his organs than just the penis, there’s the scrotum, the perineum (the part between his scrotum and his anus). But these areas all have different sensitivities. To make this easy to remember I’ve split them into coloured areas:

The Red area: The areas on him that are most sensitive are the head of the penis, the urethra opening, the underside of his penis directly below his head and his perineum.

The Yellow area: The testes are medium sensitivity, which increases with his arousal as his body will naturally start to pull his testicles up sometimes into his body as he approaches climax.

The Green area: The parts of him that would normally rub on his underwear such as his scrotum, the front or top part of his penis whilst still sensitive are in the lower end.

Just as with us, our most sensitive bits can sometimes be too sensitive if they are the first part stimulated he is the same. So take your time warming all the areas up. Start by focusing on the green areas, and then move to yellow areas then to the red. Once you’re in the swing of things you then want to mix up your colour combinations.

how to give better blowjobs
The secret to a good blowjob? Colour coding. (Image: iStock)

For bonus points the outside of his anus is super sensitive, when he is getting close to the edge or at the point where you can tell he just needs that little bit extra to get him there, wet fingers playing gently on the outside of his anus or applying light pressure with a finger tip or the knuckle of a finger can be just the thing to blow his mind. Of course if he is open to it you can insert a finger, but don’t do this unless you have discussed it with him first.

Play with pressure

Being a blowjob extraordinaire is more than giving your best impression of a hoover. In fact, I find playing with pressure so that you’re only very lightly stimulating particularly the red zones drives them wild. Often I think men get very used to hard stimulation of these areas when they masturbate, so introducing very light stimulation is something that takes them by surprise.


Focusing on light stimulation will increase the length of the blowjob, but it will also increase the intensity of his climax. Whilst its counter intuitive I often find that with men who seem to have a preference for very hard blowjobs and intense sex (think about the men who like to pretend they’re Pornstars – we all know the type, or the ones who say they very rarely climax from oral), focusing on very light pressure is what gets them there.


Now back to hoovering, sucking on the penis and creating a suction type of environment within your mouth is certainly great and has its role. But the way you use your tongue is way more important. Think about licking a soft serve ice-cream. Whilst the penis is inside your mouth, use your tongue to flick or massage the areas that would be considered the red zone.

Keep it wet

Running out of saliva during a blowjob is going to be uncomfortable for you and for him, so you need to keep your mouth wet. There are a few ways you can tackle this. You can incorporate a flavoured lube into your play if you get the right one it turns a blowjob into a delicious affair for you. You can suck on ice cubes that will also have the dual effect of making your mouth cold which will increase his sensations.

If you switch this up with taking sips of warm water, which will then heat your mouth, you have what is known as a hot and cold blowjob. My personal favourite however is sipping on orange juice, I’m not sure why but orange juice seems to create a lubrication within my mouth whilst also increasing the amount of my saliva. The other very subtle go to for me is gently biting or chewing my tongue has the same effect.

The wetter, the better. (Image: iStock)

Use your hands and other body parts

Giving blowjobs is probably going to give you some jaw pain and fatigue. When you experience discomfort with this not only will he probably pick up that you are not enjoying the experience, but more importantly you will actually start to dislike giving blowjobs. So you are going to want to have some ideas of how to give your jaw a break without interrupting the flow.

The most obvious is using your hands. You can use them to pull on his shaft whilst you gently lick the head of his penis, gently suck or even nibble on his scrotum, or lick his thighs. You can give him a modified hand job, I use a technique that I call the orange.


The technique is simple and its effective as its something he can’t do for himself. You place one hand at the base of his penis and use a normal slow pulling motion just like a traditional handjob. With your other hand and lots of lube or salvia, imagine you are juicing an orange, making sure to slowly run his head across all of your fingers. This technique focuses’ on stimulating all his red zones, and usually he will be too blown away by this new level of sexual sorcery that you are doing to realise that your giving your mouth a break.

Another technique that is good to use is to utilise your breasts and nipples. Now this technique is all about you being confident. Pretend your nipples are paintbrushes, and look him in the eye as you use them to run over his penis and groin area. You can also push your breasts together with his penis in the middle and run them up and down his shaft, we call this technique Spanish. This can also be done in reverse by pretending his penis is a paint brush and move the head around your nipples, your chin or your lips.

But the key with these techniques is your confidence. The best way to do this confidently is to fully commit to your moves and look him in the eye as you do it. If this is too much of a step for you another trick is to really stare at what you’re doing, like your doing it for your viewing pleasure and it’s turning you on. Who knows, it actually might.


How do you know if you’re doing it right?

I’m a big fan of promoting sexual communication, but its often not as simple as just asking if he likes it. To get around this use multiple choices, do you like it better when I do this or this? This is also a cheat way to start incorporating dirty talk into your play if you are on the shy side. The other thing to pay attention to is his body language, pay attention to what you were doing when his erection was getting harder and when it starts getting softer, its common for his erection to make these subtle changes and incorporate more of the techniques that were making him harder.

"You can buy flavoured condoms that basically turn his penis into an adult lollipop." (Image: iStock)

For a 50 Shades of Grey flavour to your blowjobs, try restraining his hands with ropes or ties to the bed or chair. Or you can play a game, if he moves you stop. This puts you in the dominant role. Its also a really great addition if you want to try out some of these techniques for the first time, as if you need to stop to think about what you might do next that’s all part of the play of teasing him. (It’s also a great way to be able to run out of the room to get some orange juice or ice cubes to fix your dry mouth without breaking the moment.)

Playing safe

If your partner is new or if you don’t like the taste you can still use all of these techniques over a condom. You can buy flavoured condoms that basically turn his penis into an adult lollipop, just make sure that the condom is snug on his penis and increase the pressure that you use.

As with anything in the bedroom, find what gives you enjoyment in whatever activity you’re doing and chase the pleasure, never feel that you have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. And even if you feel unsure nothing is sexier than confidence, so pretend you’re a sex kitten, look him in the eye and do everything with purpose. If you have any mishaps laugh them off, sex is about having fun first, sometimes it’s the things that go wrong which turn out to be the best parts of sex.


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