
The art of dropping hints to land the perfect Christmas gift for yourself.

Thanks to our brand partner, Swarovski

They say that Christmas is a time of giving, but that sentence isn’t complete.

It’s a time of giving…to yourself, too.

Firstly, because you just deserve it in general, for being you. Secondly, because it makes financial sense; it would be foolish not to take advantage of all the new products, gift sets, and discounts which abound at Christmas.

So that’s two reasons why, when you know people in your life plan to give you something, it’s only natural that you may want to point them in the right direction.

The only problem with that is it isn’t always easy being direct. Some of the more shy amongst us recoil at the very thought of asking for a particular present. And some know that others simply don’t like being told what to do because they are perfectly capable of buying their own gifts thank you very much.

But don’t worry, you do have some options about how to still get the present you want – nay, the present you deserve. Here are our best suggestions.

1. The casual mention.

You want: new perfume.

You say: “I think I’m out of perfume.”

This could be done when walking past a perfume department with the potential purchaser, or when a (quite frankly ridiculous, because they always are) perfume ad appears on TV. Or when you’ve come home from the gym – to really make the point.

This tactic could be applied to almost anything.

I think I’m out of champagne.

I think I’m out of red lipstick.


Oh, I accidentally dropped my sunglasses and stepped on them so they are absolutely irreparably damaged.

2. The internet hint.

This doesn’t mean simply texting or emailing a link. That’s too risky – there are too many possibilities. You need to present a range of options, so the gift-giver feels like they have some choice in the matter.

For example, you want something from Swarovski’s Holiday Collection or from their wider range. Rather than simply send a direct link to one item, provide choices. Like this:

"I love this Swarovski Christmas ball ornament! It would be such a special keepsake. It's $149." Source: supplied


"But then, I think this stunning Swarovski charm would suit the necklace I already have so perfectly, and it's just $39." Source: Supplied


"But if you feel you need to reward me for being the most special person in your life, there's this Louison necklace. Oh, my pretty. It's $499 and I'm worth it." Source: Supplied.

3. The social media tag.

Every time you see something you'd love on Instagram or Facebook, quietly tag your target in the comments. But don't say anything else, so they'll wonder if you're tagging them because it would be a good present for them, or for you.

It will draw their attention to the product, and fingers crossed, this will be an almost a subliminal message and they should work it out from there.

The only risk is if they get it for themselves, or worse - someone else.

4. Ask someone else to do it for you.

You want: those shoes from that boutique.

You ask: your sister/aunt/anyone to casually mention the item to your gift-giver:

"Oh, Edwina was saying the other day that she loved these shoes from this boutique."

They will say, "Aha! That's what I'll get her!" And they'll think the idea was all theirs.

A little bit sneaky, a little bit sly - but wholly successful.

"That better be the necklace we both know I deserve." Source: Getty

Consider these hints the best Christmas gift you can give yourself - exactly what you wanted when you unwrap your gifts on Christmas morning!

We hope they work for you. But if not, you know what to do next year: send them your Pinterest board called "This Isn't a Hint But A Directive."

Do you like to ask for presents, or do you prefer to be surprised? Tell us in the comments. 

For more Christmas gift inspiration, take a look at Swarovski's 2018 Collection, which includes a brilliant range of holiday decor and jewellery pieces to make your Christmas sparkle.


Swarovski brings its inimitable shine to the festive season along with a message as brilliant as its new Holiday Collection - to inspire gift-givers the world over to spread joy, love and sparkle.
Let the collection transport you to a crystallized wonderland, sharing joy and sparkle for all and reflects the brand’s will to empower all women from around the world. Shop the collection now at www.swarovski.com.

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