
"I used to only sleep for 4 hours a night. These 5 things bumped me up to a solid 8-hour snooze."

Ever known someone who answers your emails, texts you back and likes your Instagram posts at 3am? 

Well, I'm that person. 

Yes, the one you can't get hold of between 5am - 11am. The one who starts a chat at midnight as if though that's something normal people do. I was the infamous night owl who had absolutely no control over their sleeping pattern. Until 2022.

Watch how to sleep again in four simple steps (especially if you have children). Post continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.

I was very sick of temperamental skin, of having purple under-eye bags and a foggy brain. 

But somehow I managed to bring my four-hour sleep schedule all the way up to eight - and my goodness. My world changed for the better. 

Progress is not linear and some days I will look terrible because I was gossiping with a friend at 2am or falling into a TikTok wormhole for three hours the night before. But overall, I'm getting more sleep than I ever have.

'My skin thanks me when I get good, consistent, quality sleep.' Image: Supplied.


So, here's how I managed to change the way I sleep and what I think could help you get a better snooze ASAP.

What worked... 

1. Absolutely NO phones in bed.. and no exceptions!

It is the hardest rule I've ever had to implement in my life, but it's very worth it. 

Research has shown us the impacts of using devices before sleep, and that it dramatically decreases our chances of getting a good night's rest. 


While I couldn't cut out all devices from my daily life, taking tiny steps to reduce my access was one way I was able to gift myself a decent night's sleep. I plug my phone into the socket farthest from my bed and have my alarm set to the most blistering, piercing and horrifying sound possible - the 'classic' alarm, obviously. 

Works like a charm. 

2. Boiling hot AND freezing cold showers. 

I might be the only one who absolutely adores the shower water to be on the coldest setting... before cranking it to the hottest water possible. It's like a kick to the senses, then a nice warm hug to ease me into a good snooze.

It's what the athletes do, and while I may not be one, I like to think I am. 

Studies show cold water actually has stimulating properties that wake you up, but hot water before bed actually helps you sleep better. 

Athletes have cold and hot showers, and because I am not one, I like to have them anyway. Image: Canva.


So while it works for me - a hot shower might be all you need if you're not someone who likes the cold.

3. Read a book. 

I know, boring, but it helps. A lot. My current read is A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers. It's a thrilling, complex novel that explores the mind of a female psychopath. It's quite disturbing, so of course, a great bedtime read...

It gets me into the groove and wears me out because I am putting all my effort into understanding what I am consuming. 

Either way, you can get it here if it sounds like it may be of interest to you.

4. Clean bedroom = clean slate for your big ol' noggin. 

Growing up, my mother used to say 'cleanliness is close to Godliness'. I used to believe it was mumbo jumbo but now that I am a mature, fully grown adult - I like to believe there was something really beneficial in that statement. 

While I don't count myself as particularly religious these days, the way I take that popular saying is that to have a clean space means a clean mind and a somewhat spiritual bliss. 


So I do my best to do a clean-up for about five minutes, right before I jump into bed. It ~ cleanses~ me, and makes me feel so better when I wake up. 

5. Morphée sleep tool. 

Morphée is a sleeping tool for those of us who struggle to sleep and rely on digital devices to have a good night's rest. 

Previously when I used my phone to listen to 'sleep sounds' on Spotify, I'd end right back up on TikTok for an hour. 

While many may not be as undisciplined as I am, I found this nifty device to help me get a good eight hours. I was sceptical at first, but it actually does work. 

The Morphée was created by a team of sleep specialists and doctors to help people get a quality sleep. They achieved this by formulating eight relaxation and sleep techniques, along with eight different sessions and the option to choose how long you want to listen for (eight or 20 minutes).

I was actually given one to try out for myself and was not disappointed. I've found the Morphée put me to sleep within 20 (yes, 20!!!) minutes of using it. After a week of implementing it into my sleeping routine, I'm not quite sure I can go without one again. 

(By the way, I have NOT been sponsored or anything - it is just a genuinely good device I've used every night since receiving one.)

Listen to this episode of You Beauty, where the hosts run through the parts of your skincare routine you can mix and match. Post continues after podcast.


What didn't work... 

1. Lavender oil. 

I bought a diffuser with the belief that putting lavender oil in it would REVOLUTIONISE the way I sleep and help me fall into a slumber with no fuss.

I was wrong. 

While some studies show that it helps us fall asleep and can improve the overall quality of our rests, I discovered it didn't actually help me at all and that I despise the smell of lavender with a passion. 

So, basically I bought a $20 oil for nothing.

2. My cat. 

She disturbs my sleep by jumping on me. She doesn't actually cuddle like good cats do. Nuff said.

Final verdict. 

I've struggled with sleep my whole life. It's been a hassle to get me into bed ever since I was a kid and now that I'm an adult, I've found that while there is nothing better than a good night's rest.

Putting away my phone, playing some relaxing sounds and reading a book may be the most basic tips to achieve a quality sleep, but they truly did help when I implemented them into my routine.

So, try it for yourself and see how your brain (and under-eye bags) thank you for it in the long-run.

How do you achieve a good night's rest? Let us know in the comments below!. 

Feature Image: Mamamia / Canva.

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