Any parent knows that the sure-fire way to challenge your kids’ ability to sit still is to take them to a packed restaurant.
Outings usually call for a combination of bribery, threats and distractions to keep kids behaving.
Former Cosmopolitan magazine editor Bronwyn McCahon knows this as well as any parent and has shared a genius trick that she says “works a treat” at restaurants.
Listen: There’s an Italian restaurant that gives incentives to parents to keep their kids quiet.
The mum to six-year-old Harper, Grace, four, and two-year-old Theo told her Instagram followers on Sunday that she found an old family tradition was a great way to get her children to behave.
“Growing up we always did family trivia night every Sunday night,” McCahon wrote.
“Dad would ask all of us kids age-appropriate questions and the prize for a correct answer was a cube of Violet Crumble (remember when you could buy them in bags?).”