
Women share the one thing they swear by that makes their skin look amazing.


Skin you’re happy with – comfortable in – is the Holy Grail for most women. Many of us spend a lot of time and money finding the right balance of products that’s the right balance for our faces.

Being spoilt for choice in terms of products, and different techniques, means finding the best beauty routine for your skin can be a minefield.

But that’s where the sisterhood can save you.

Posting in Mamamia‘s beauty group You Beauty, a member recently asked:

“For those of you who are consistently happy with your skin quality, what can you put down to being your ‘key to success’ or turning point, be it a product, a routine, diet, etc? What one thing do you think made the world of difference to improving your skin and maintaining it?”

And the ‘YBies’ answered.

1. Retinol and Hyaluronic acid

Many members promised results with regular use of retinol and hyaluronic products, which exfoliate and hydrate simultaneously.

“A good routine, great products with the right actives in the right percentage. I really think hyaluronic acid has changed my skin.”

2. Ask an expert.

Some members said that finally seeing a facialist – a professional who understood skin – saved them from making repeated mistakes, and set them in the right direction.

“I have been getting skin needling done as well as microdermabrasion every four weeks. I am loving the results!” one member said.

3. Diet.

Many people credited a change in diet for noticeably better looking skin.

“I have to say I’ve been really conscious of my sugar and processed fat intake lately and it makes a huge difference to breakouts. I have combination skin but whenever I eat either I break out on my chin, if I don’t I don’t breakout.”

And sadly, that includes limiting alcohol.

“Alcohol can be so ageing,” a member reminded.


4. Sleep.

This is an oldie, but a goodie because it’s so darn simple. “Good, undistracted sleep, with the phone far away.”

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5. Hydration.

Almost every suggestion included a recommendation to drink more water – mostly because it’s one of the most effective, and inexpensive, ways to get great skin.

“Water, always water!” one exclaimed.

6. Always take your make up off.

This is an essential part of clean skin.

“As my mother told me as a teenager… Always take your makeup off – no matter how tired or drunk you are! I’m now 45 and that is always in my head!!!”

7. Listen to the You Beauty podcast.

Lots of the Ybies credited listening to the You Beauty podcast, hosted by Mamamia’s executive editor Leigh Campbell, as revolutionising their approach to beauty.

“Listening to this podcast has taught me so much!” one person commented.

8. Sunscreen.

It’s a tale as old as time – but sunscreen is honestly the one skincare product that will keep your skin looking amazing.

“Sunscreen EVERYDAY even in winter,” a member advised.

“I’m 55 and often complimented about my skin… been wearing high SPF for 25 years every single day no matter what the weather is doing!”

And the best advice?

“And also do what every one else on this thread suggests!”

What’s the one thing you swear by that makes your skin look fantastic? Let us know in the comments.  

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