
The Instagram side-by-side that speaks volumes about having a 'thigh gap'.

A body positivity campaigner has shown her followers the trick to getting a thigh gap – and we love her for it.

With two side-by-side photos posted to Instagram, former personal trainer and current confidence coach Mary Jelkovsky proved how very silly the body trend is.

The key to getting a thigh gap, she says, is separating your thighs.

In the first photo, the eating disorder survivor angled her legs to create a space between her legs, and in the second, embraced her “mermaid thighs” with a more comfortable pose.

Mary, who has gained a following of more than 50K for her refreshingly honest Instagram snaps, captioned the image with a message of positivity.


The former bikini fitness model said that when she was a personal trainer her go-to question to clients was: “What area(s) do you want to work on?”

“The answer became so predictable and redundant that I eventually stopped asking,” she explained.

“Can you guess what it was? Yup, it was ALWAYS either tummy or thighs.”

Those Two Girls talk thigh gap with their trademark hilarity. 

Mary said she was sad to hear women describe their legs and midsection as a “problem area” or who wouldn’t go to pool parties until they lost weight.

The reformed fitness enthusiast said she spent seven years of my life consumed just trying to achieve air between her legs.

“When I learned about diet culture and it’s hidden agenda (*cough* profit *cough*) this concept of a thigh gap seemed so silly to me! Along with all the other beauty ideals that are literally created to profit from our self-doubt.

“Now my thighs kiss (more like make out LOL!) and it makes me feel like a mermaid!

“You can waste time, energy, and money trying to get the gap or you can screw it and love yoself. Who’s with me?!”

In another post, Mary said gaining weight used to be her “biggest fear”  – but she eventually became confident in her body.


I’m embarrassed to admit this, but my biggest fear used to be gaining weight. No, really, if you would’ve asked me 3 years ago what I was most scared of, I wouldn’t say sharks or losing a family member… I’d say “getting fat.” I always thought that being ‘thinner’ or ‘fitter’ was the only thing that’d make me happy and I NEVER thought it was possible to gain 45 pounds, stop dieting forever, and actually be confident in my body. What a paradox to think that fulfillment would come from deprivation! ???? It’s SO hard to gain weight and love yourself as you are in a society that’s telling you not to… So here’s how I became comfortable and eventually confident in my new, ‘fuller’ body: ????I stopped hanging out, talking to, and following fat phobic and diet-obsessed individuals. ????I stopped going to the gym and instead started hiking, practicing yoga, and dancing in my underwear when I was alone. ???? ????I focused on my education. I decided I’d rather be smart than skinny because that’s what I would encourage my little sister or future daughter to be. ???? ????And most importantly, I focused on everything else I GAINED besides weight… relationships, adventures, memories, experiences, and a new-found love for wine???????? All the things I deprived myself of out of fear of “getting fat.” . . There’s more to life than having the “perfect body” but you won’t realize it until you let go of that expectation…???? . . Have you ever been afraid of gaining weight? Why? . . There are videos on my #YouTube channel about my experience in the fitness industry and why I eventually decided to quit bikini competitions. ???? Link in bio or swipe up in my stories. ???? . . . . #effyourbeautystandards #losehatenotweight #gainingweightiscool #allbodiesaregoodbodies #nobodyshame #healthynothungry #antidiet #healthynotskinny #nourishnotpunish #edrecovery #edfam #edsoldier #edwarrior #bulimiarecovery #anorexiarecovery #bikinicompetitor #selfconfidence #selfacceptance #bopo

A post shared by Mary Jelkovsky (@maryscupofteaa) on

She said that when she stopped focussing on the gym and started focussing on fitness that made her feel good, like hiking, plus things outside of staying skinny, she became happier.

“I focused on everything else I GAINED besides weight… relationships, adventures, memories, experiences, and a new-found love for wine. All the things I deprived myself of out of fear of ‘getting fat’.

“There’s more to life than having the ‘perfect body’ but you won’t realize it until you let go of that expectation.”

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