For the first five years of my adult life, I worked in cocktail bars. It was something I'd recommend all young people do for at least a portion of their early twenties.
The late-night lock-ins drinking ridiculously expensive bottles of champagne, devouring oysters at 4am, kissing people who truly aren't your type in broad daylight, learning all about the world of consumable indulgence, meeting people from all different walks of life - it's an unforgettable experience and shaped me as a human in ways that words won't do justice.
Plus, it gave me some pretty damn good people skills. Nothing phases me when it comes to interacting with humans in uncomfortable situations, because I've done it all. And one of the most useful? The art of flirting.
Because it really is an art form. First, you've got to be able to read people and the situation. Then, you've got to be confident enough to take the risk. But once you get the hang of it, flirting is one of the most fun interactions you can have with another human - whether you want to date them or not.
While you're here, check out the horoscopes when they're on a date. Post continues below.
Flirting is such a part of my DNA - thanks to my years in cocktail bars - that I don't think I'll ever be able to live without it. But I think that's okay. A healthy dose of flirtatious banter is necessary to keep life interesting, have new interactions and remember to feel yourself on a regular basis.