
5 VERY good reasons to take yourself on a date. (Yes, just you and you).

How far would you go to get out of a date night with yourself?

Because a rather, um, hair-raising study in the journal, Science, found that after just 6-15 minutes of being alone, participants CHOSE to give themselves electric shocks rather than sit quietly with their own thoughts.

And the research wasn’t sponsored by EnergyAustralia.

We can partly blame biology for our solo-phobia. “Engaging in relationships is important for survival so we’re programmed to relate and work together, and socialised to form groups,” explains psychologist Dr Suzy Green, founder of The Positivity Institute.

Then factor in technology – the 24/7 companion of social media – and the reason we’re so bad at being alone is that we basically never are.

“And if you’ve never spent much time alone – maybe you also grew up in a large family – you falsely assume it will be lonely,” Dr Green adds. “But it doesn’t have to be that way.”

To all the single ladies out there. You are not alone

In fact, Dr Green is encouraging a new form of self-reflection being dubbed “search inside” – a kind of anti-Google that lets you focus on who you are and what you want. And it means being alone.

“You need time to reflect on who you are, what you value and where you’re heading. Doing things by yourself builds self-confidence – think of Reese Witherspoon in the film Wild and the woman she becomes through that journey. It’s good to learn that you don’t have to be around other people.”

Like a new exercise regime, alone time is a muscle that needs to be trained – the first step will be a stretch, and you’re likely to feel a bit stiff in the process. But keep at it and ‘table for one, please’ could be your new favourite mantra.


Here’s why we love solo time…

1. You can do what you want, when you want

Trying to arrange a meal with girlfriends starts off all heart emoticons and soon ends up with the gritted teeth one. Because once you’ve sent seven WhatsApps picking a day, one person wants Thai, another wants pizza, another’s on a health kick… and now someone can’t do Thursday after all. When it’s just you, it’s easy. It’s permanent happy face.

2. Nobody is actually looking at you

No matter how awkward you initially feel dining solo, nobody cares that you’re dining alone.

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Of course, people may look your way – possibly because you’re wearing that awesome Witchery top they’ve had their eye on, possibly because they’re trying to think of a witty Instagram caption and you happen to be in their eye-line. But no one’s noticed that you’re alone – except the single guys.

3. You will completely recharge your batteries

Because you’re not devoting a single percentage of your finite energy reserves to other people, you will feel as content as an iPhone on full charge.

4. There is no better time to get things accomplished

The only person distracting you will be a waiter asking if you’d like another glass of wine, making this the perfect time to read the book you’ve been meaning to finish, write thank-you notes, add a journal entry, edit photos, anything YOU want.

Speaking of books, here are some of our picks for reading this summer:

5. No one pressures you to stay out all night

When you dine alone, you’re in charge of the curfew. Which means that if you want to sneak home and be in bed at 9.30pm, no one will ever know. Bliss.

What are your experiences of going out alone? Tell us in the comment section below.

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