There are some elements that are essential for a wedding day. The bride is a must. The groom should probably be there. Family and friends are hopefuls. And champagne and cake are absolutely non-negotiable.
There are also elements that are not essential for a wedding day. Embossed, satin-finished, hand-written in calligraphy invitations? Probably not a life-or-death requirement. Imported flowers? Not a necessity. Elaborate, hand-made, cellophane-wrapped, ribbon-tied thank you gifts for guests? Not essential.
Sure, non-essentials can be nice. And embossed wedding-invitations do look lovely stuck on the fridge. But the problem with non-essentials is that they cost money (and they achieve nothing). This means cutting non-essentials is an extremely effective way to save money in planning your wedding, kwithout detracting from the day itself. Here are out list of wedding non-essentials that should be on your cost-cutting hit list.
Watch: Three millennials on making marriage last. Post continues after video.
Organising guests with lots of bits of paper
‘Save the date’ cards, invitations, place cards, thank you gifts, the list goes on…
Enough. Be brutal. Thank you gifts are not an ultimatum people, neither are place cards – adults can, usually, find their own place to sit. Guests are already enjoying the above-mentioned champagne and cake. They’re also lucky enough to be there on your special day. They do not need the trail of scented stationary and bonbonnières to feel welcome, included and happy for you. They’re there for you remember?