
The 2 minute smokey eye (with just 1 product)

Picture this: You’ve been at work all day, and are packing up to head home for a night at home for the night with a carton of Pad Thai and the latest season of Mad Men, when all of a sudden your phone lights up. You’ve got a text from a friend inviting you to a fabulous event/dinner/gallery opening that you simply can’t turn down.

Problem is, in the early morning rush you only managed to apply the makeup basics to your face – some BB cream, a bit of mascara, a swipe of some kind of lip product. And half of it wore off during the day anyway. The only  product of use to be found in your handbag is… a bronzer. And maybe a mascara. All buried under fifty rogue five cent pieces.

So, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters won’t help you out here, friends – it’s time to channel your inner MacGyver. (You know, the TV hero who could do, invent or make just about anything – no matter how implausible – with nothing but a roll of duct tape and a Swiss army knife).

What we’re trying to communicate with these outdated 80s pop cultural references is that you can create a smouldering nighttime look – like a smokey eye – with that one lonely product in your handbag. What you need is a makeup guardian angel to show you exactly how you do it, and then send you on your way looking all sexy.

Conveniently, we have that exact tutorial right here, brought to you by The Glow’s resident ex-beauty-counter-girl-turned-ad-exec Mel Dedrick.  Mel’s eye makeup always looks beautiful (check out her subtle glittery liner here), so she well and truly knows her stuff.

May you never be caught without a smokey eye again!

We’d love to see how this look works for you, so give it a try and upload your results in the comment section below.

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