
11 ways to declutter and organise your digital space.

Everyone always bangs on about decluttering their mental and physical spaces.

And I absolutely agree that it’s critical to do so, and try to keep on top of it as to not let it get out of control. But one thing I think is just as vital is keeping your digital space organised and free from clutter.

We’ve been living our lives more and more online, and the accumulation of dozens of social media apps, our paperwork going paperless, and more interaction happening over email than in person, it can fast build up with sh*t and resemble a dog’s breakfast.

So as a self-proclaimed nerd, I thought I’d share with you the ways that I try keep on top of my digital realm and some strategies and apps that will help along the way.


Yup, sounds harsh but it’s not at all. Over time you might find yourself following thousands of people, it’s absolutely unrealistic to think you can keep up so have regular declutter of your lists.

Pages and business you don’t find of interest anymore, people who don’t bring you joy and present bad energy – let them all go! Don’t feel bad, it’s not a reflection of real life either. People are more accessible to you sometimes via the digital space. You don’t have to see them every day in your real life.


At the start of this year, I restored both my Mac and phone to their factory settings and erased all data from them. Especially because my Mac is around five years old now I find it slows down with so many files and programs being on it. You can end up with so much sh*t on your devices over time sometimes it’s just good to reset!

Don’t be too scared as I have a few solutions for all those photos and documents you’re worried about losing below.

Now, let’s move onto that desktop and home screen.


I put apps and programs into folders for an easier visual appeal, i.e. photography, social media, finance and entertainment. Also makes things a lot easier to find things when looking for them. It also means your home screen or desktop isn’t covered with a million icons.



So I have to credit this one to my good friend Hayley. This is an organisational app that helps you track your calendar, tasks and reminders. I’ve tried a few of these types of apps but Asana has far been my favourite. I like that you can have it running on your phone and also use the web-based version when working.

You can also organise things with other people. When Hayley and I ran our charity events we used a common list to assign tasks to each other and make sure we had everything done. I also have a list with my husband of all the renovation tasks to be done at home.

Download it here: https://app.asana.com/

Google Drive

For those worrying about resetting their computer or phone, this will be your new best friend. Keep things off your hardware so as not to slow it down and also have access to your files and documents wherever you are. This is great for me running a blog and working a lot from my phone as well as my computer.

Download it here: https://www.google.com.au/drive/


If you run a business or a blog or anything that requires you to invoice and collect money, then this is for you. It’s very low cost and means you don’t have to create and save a billion invoices, this does it all for you. You can even connect your bank account so it autofills payments and inputs expenses, set reminders for late payments, and takes credit card payments.

I use the web-based version on desktop and the app on my phone.

Download it here: https://www.freshbooks.com/


Google Photos

Just like Google Docs, this is for your photos, it auto uploads from your phone so you never lose your photos. It also categories them, date sorts them and can be searched by specific people.

Download it here: https://photos.google.com/


With this, you never have to remember 100 passwords or run the risk of complete identity theft by having the same password for everything. It works better on PC or android, Apple doesn’t like it but it still works well. Also, you don’t need the paid version, the free version is enough.

I have all my passwords autogenerated now as I actually had my blog hacked about a year ago.

Download it here: https://www.lastpass.com/


Everyone went crazy for this one. It’s to unsubscribe from all your newsletters and spam emails you’ve accumulated over the years. You will love me for this one.

Visit Here: https://unroll.me/

Turn Off Notifications

My philosophy is that if you weren’t going to check that app anyway, you don’t need it. I don’t have any push notifications for Facebook, Insta or email as they make me anxious AF. No faster way to f**k with your head than a screen full of little red dots above your apps.


Most important of all is to disconnect from the digital world and not forget about the real world. Do this any way you need to – delete your social media apps when you want space, turn off your phone and leave it at home.

Everyone is different and everyone tackles it differently. Personally, when I find I’m overwhelmed and spending too much time online I leave my phone in the lounge at night and don’t bring it to bed.

This post originally appeared on House of White and was republished here with full permission. 

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