
This dad has a clever trick to monitor his tot in shopping crowds. But there's a problem.

A rather inventive dad from New Zealand has come up with a remarkably simple way to keep track of your child while Christmas shopping during the busy season.

New Zealand father and ‘How to DAD’ vlogger Jordan Watson believes tying a balloon to your child’s waist while shopping could be the saviour to all your Christmas shopping dilemmas.

“Hello and welcome to this instruction video on how to go Christmas shopping with a baby,” he began his YouTube video

“You’ve got to be prepared for the big crowds.”

In the video, which has has released on YouTube and Facebook, Watson ties a balloon to his young daughter’s waist and watches her run around the shopping centre in his line of sight the entire time.

The video has since been liked nearly 40,000 times and shared nearly 10,000 times, with fans very interested in his innovative idea but equally a little wary of what could happen lest everyone jumps on board.

"The problem now, is that everyone is going to tie a balloon to their child. And no one is going to know which one is theirs." Image via YouTube.

"I don't know if some [sic] has already said this. But the problem now, is that everyone is going to tie a balloon to their child. And no one is going to know which one is theirs," one observant Facebook user wrote.

Another added to the sentiment.

"News headlines: massive sale of red balloons as parents buy them for shopping with kids."

Another wrote that perhaps it's not just children this could be a great hack for.

"This would work brilliantly for short people too," they wrote.

However, the stand out was one fan who said this is the perfect hack for parents who aren't overprotective but want to see their children have a bit of free reign outside of the house.

"I love this, makes me happy to see a relaxed parent and a child being a child. The world has become so judgemental but I grew up like this and I'm okay," they wrote.

You can see the full video here:

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