
Five easy ways to get rid of the perils of winter skin.

No one wants chapped, flaky and sore skin in winter. If you want to avoid horrible winter skin in the cooler months this year, here are five tips to help you banish chapped winter skin for good.

Banish dry winter skin. Getty Images.

Avoid hot showers

Unfortunately, boiling hot showers are terrible for your skin. The cold weather is always going to tempt you to turn up the temperature of your water. But you’ve got to resist.

Heat softens the natural oils in your skin, the ones that keep your skin moisturised and glowing. So, the hot water of your shower very easily washes away all your natural moisture, leading to dry and flaky skin. Keeping the temperature of your shower moderate goes a long way to keeping your skin hydrated and moisturised.

Hydrate from the inside out

Cold weather often makes us reach for teas and coffee instead of water. But caffeinated drinks like these strip you of hydration instead of replenishing it. Try skipping that second coffee and having a glass of water instead. Keeping your body hydrated from the inside helps your skin stay hydrated too.

Moisturise straight after a shower

Have you ever read the directions on the back of your moisturiser? It says to apply directly after a shower, right? That’s because moisturiser helps to lock hydration into freshly washed skin. Applying your moisturiser right after you hop out of the shower is a lot more effective than applying it after you’ve finished your hair and picked an outfit.

Exfoliation is a must

If you have a layer of dead skin over your healthy skin, none of your moisturising products will work properly. In winter it’s really important to use face and body scrubs regularly. Removing any dead skin ensures that all your serums and moisturising products actually reach and soak into your healthy skin.

Choose hyaluronic acid

If you’re not already using a product with hyaluronic acid, you should - especially in winter. This skincare ingredient sinks deep into your skin and attracts 1,000 times its weight in water molecules. It literally pulls water and moisture into skin. Your skin does produce some hyaluronic acid naturally but there’s no harm in giving your skin a little extra help in the cooler, drier months.

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