
The one clothing cull hack every woman needs to know.

We’re calling it: this is the only wardrobe culling hack you will ever need.

The pros have known about this for quite a while, and it doesn’t involve you getting your ‘colours’ done, or going shopping, or losing your sanity.

All you have to do is go home today, open your wardrobe and turn all of your clothes around so the hangers are facing one way. After that, any item of clothing you choose to wear will be returned to your wardrobe facing the other way.

Then, depending on how big your wardrobe is, after six months or a year, any clothes still facing the wrong way need to go. Chuck them all.

With this trick, your wardrobe will be sorted quick-smart. (Image: iStock)


This idea came to me from my colleague Ally, who hit me with it after I told her about the pathetic state of my barely-functional wardrobe.

The mind-blowing simplicity of this clothing hack left me excited to go home and face my cluttered closet. My wardrobe is so crammed with clothes that if I iron anything and hang it back up, it ends up inevitabely creased.

We've all heard the saying that we "wear 20 per cent of our wardrobes 80 per cent of the time", and that is so true.

Why, why, why do we do that? Why do we buy clothes we never wear?

Why don't we just accept that a small selection of clothing is a happy selection of clothing? (Post continues after gallery.)


I can already see this piece of advice extending into other areas of my life — like the clothes that are folded on my shelves. I can clear a shelf and as I wear items of clothing I'll transfer them to that cleared shelf. After six months, any clothes not on that shelf can go.

Same with shoes and all those weird food products that live forever in the back of your pantry.

Imagine waking up to a world where every item of clothing in your wardrobe is something you'd happily wear? What a wonderful world that will be.

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