Having been a Radio Content Director for most of my career, I understand the concept of tuning into the right frequency very well. Just like tuning into your favourite radio station, tuning into the right vibrational frequency can make all the difference to how you feel. The great news is you can tune into whatever you like and whenever you like - because you have all the power.
So armed with this knowledge, when stage 4 rectal cancer hit in 2017, I chose to lock my station on happiness.
Those who have been through cancer will tell you, it's a bumpy ride. With each blood test and scan you get more results, often resulting in more tests, horrible treatments and very scary conversations and thoughts. I realised quickly that I couldn't control anything that was happening to me or around me and that I needed to be OK no matter the outcome.
Watch: Scientific Happiness Hacks Anyone Can Try. Post continues after video.
Remaining calm in the face of adversity is now my superpower, and it serves me well. I'm grateful that I found this so early in my diagnosis because it's helped me through nine surgeries, multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and another shocking diagnosis earlier this year of motor neuron disease. Yes, after four years of living with stage 4 cancer and all that encompasses, receiving the news in January that I also had MND/ALS shook my world and challenged all my beliefs. How could I stay happy with TWO terminal illnesses?