
Do you know how to change a nappy? No, you only think you do.

Changing a dirty nappy is something that most parents can do at high speed in the dark. That’s because they don’t have to follow this complicated 13-step checklist.

Changing endless soiled nappies is one of the downsides of parenting. We do it because we love our babies and because, well, we have to. But really, yuck.

And it’s always worse when you are changing someone else’s child’s nappy. Double-yuck.

Well, spare a thought for childcare workers. Not only do they have to change other people’s children’s nappies as part of their job description, they also have to follow a strict set of guidelines under the new National Quality Framework.

Strict new nappy changing guideline are part of the National Quality Framework


1. Put on a plastic apron (some centres). Wash hands, using a lather, sort of like you area bout to perform surgery.

2. Place paper lining on the change table.

3. Put on disposable gloves. (What, no tongs?)

4. Remove the child's nappy and place in a hands-free bin. Soiled clothes should be placed in a plastic bag.

5.  Clean the child's bottom (trying not to gag).

6. Place cleaning paper in hands-free bin.

7. Remove gloves and place in bin (and plastic apron).

8. Place a clean nappy on the waiting child.

9. Dress them in clean clothes.

10. Take the child off the change table.

11. Wash your hands and the child's hands.

12. Clean the change table with detergent or soap.

13. Wash your hands again.

Now, if you were a sensitive parent, you might accuse the government of treating babies like germy little monsters (which they probably are).

Others suggest that it's because these rules are so strict that many Daycare centres put standard nappy-changing times in place, and don't do it any more often than is absolutely necessary.

It's a bit different to how a parent would change a nappy which would go something like this:

1. Place child on any surface and take nappy off.

2. Wipe quickly and place clean nappy on.

3. Hand-washing optional.

The National Quality Framework for childcare aims to refine all parts of childcare. The guidelines on nappy changing are part of the Federal Government's document Staying Healthy: Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services, written by the National Health and Medical Research Council.

And if a childcare provider is caught cutting corners? A $2000 fine!

Do you appreciate how strict the guidelines are for nappy changing in childcare? Or do you think they are way too strict?

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