
The 14 full-time jobs every (working or stay at home) mum has.

Everyone will tell you how hard being a parent is.

It is EXHAUSTING! But why exactly is that so?

It’s because parents have to be the ultimate multitaskers and do a myriad of jobs throughout each day, that’s why.

We’ve all read the lists of exactly how many jobs parents take on: doctor, chauffer, chief negotiator etc.

But I’ve thought about this. Actually, I’ve been thinking about this for seven years now, and I think there are quite a few jobs that are often overlooked on such lists.

So much to do, so little time.

Each of these jobs has been part of my daily existence for such a long time now but they are often skimmed over when parents describe their skills and reasons for feeling so exhausted.

But just writing this list reminded me of how much is expected of us parents. Sometimes I think if it weren’t for my (reasonably) healthy diet and the energy boosting multivitamins I take on a daily, I might not have the energy to keep up with the kids.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Cenovis. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

1. Pop star/musician.

I’m no Idina Menzel but my sons and I smash out various songs from Frozen daily. Not to mention our Top 40 mashups that may one-day end up on YouTube.

You could be like Frozen on Youtube.


2. IT specialist.

Speaking of YouTube, parents have to be up to date with all technological advancements. “Mum, YouTube won’t load,” “Mum I need this app,” “Mum what’s wrong with the wifi?”

Got the wifi sorted.

3. Sportswoman.

I prefer this term over the dated ‘soccer mum’. Not only do I play the sports but I’m up to date with all sporting news too. I can give you Steve Smith’s batting average and the latest NRL signings.

Not your average soccer mum.


4. News reporter.

While we are making sure we are up to date with sports news we have to be up to date with general news too. One of the highs, and lows, of being a parent is keeping your children informed about the goings on in the world. “Why did this happen?” “What was that fight about?” “Who’s the Prime Minister?”

But why, mum?

5. Hairdresser.

Mum of a girl? Enough said.

Home hair salon? Yes please.

6. Scientist.

Ever do the Mentos on the Diet Coke trick? Or the bi-carb and vinegar to make a volcano? Best. Parent. Ever.

Next Einstein perhaps.


7. Actress.

“Yes I am Batman buddy.” “Okay we’ll play Doc McStuffins, looks like Mr Squiggle has a broken leg honey.” Name a character I can play it. I swear there’s an Academy Award waiting for me somewhere.

Super Woman, buddy!


8. Traffic controller.

No scooters in my house. Chugginton and Thomas trains are to stay on individual tracks. Only one remote control vehicle to be utilised at any said time and incidents remain at a minimum.

Rebel in the house.

9. Garbage man.

How can tiny people have so much STUFF? So much. I cannot even explain how much stuff a tiny person can own and how much rubbish they can make.

Clean that up.


10. Interior decorator.

The design of a parent’s house can be described two ways. “Can you hide toys in it?” and “will the fabric be dark enough to hide paint/pen/texta marks?” Yes to both? Interior masterpiece.

Kids room – sorted. Image via @mykidsmyalllife Instagram


11. Culinary chef.

I’ve become an expert at hiding veggies and other healthy foods within our family meals. Grated zucchini, anyone?

Hide those veggies.


12. Geologist.

Sand, shells and rocks. Somehow kids bring rocks home from everywhere. Beach, park, bush walk. They even somehow manage to find them at the shops sometimes. So. Many. Damn. Rocks. We are rock experts.

The rock expert.


13. Town planner.

Can you say you’ve built an entire town? I can. I do it daily; out of Lego. And I’m amazing at it.

Mu skills go beyond this.


14. Accountant.

Tooth fairy gives $2 and pocket money is $5. You want extra you pay tax on it. Welcome to the real world, child.

You want extra you pay tax for it, my child.


What jobs do you balance throughout the day as a parent?

The messy moments that are sometimes unavoidable…

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