I’ve been there. Maybe you have too.
You’re halfway through grabbing everything on a massive shopping list, and your toddler chooses that moment to fall apart in a screaming heap. (Yep, your toddler, even though you might try to pretend you’re not related). So how do you avoid tantrums with the back-to-school shopping coming up? It’s all about the planning. Oh, and the bribes. Read on.
Mummy Hack 1: Make sure your toddler knows exactly what is going to happen.
Before you head out on the shopping trip, tell them all about it: “We’re going to the shopping centre. We’re going to buy a bag and a lunchbox for your sister. These are for school, not presents. We’re not buying anything for you today (or maybe you’ll tell them that you will buy them one thing – whatever you decide). But afterwards we’re going to the playground.” Then stick to the plan. Less surprises means less to get upset about.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Dairylea Cheese. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
Mummy Hack 2: Keep it quick.
If the shopping is going to involve going to a few different stores, you might need to split it over two days. You want to make the trip as short as possible. Don’t get distracted, no matter how great those shoes are. And if you bump into a friend, make a time to catch up later rather than stopping for a long chat.
Mummy Hack 3: Don’t make your toddler shop on an empty stomach.
Go straight after a meal, and take a snack with you, just in case you get unexpectedly held up. Hungry equals grumpy at any age, but especially under five. Also make sure your toddler is well rested, and there’s no way the shopping trip could run into their naptime. That’s just begging for trouble.
Mummy Hack 4: Let them feel like they have a bit of control.
If you’ve promised them they can buy one thing on the trip – a favourite food or a small toy – give them some choices. Let them make a few other little decisions along the way too, like what to shop for next. That way they’ll feel involved, even if it’s not all about them. For once.
Mummy Hack 5: Give them something to look forward to afterwards.
Maybe the shopping centre has a playground, or there’s one you can go to nearby. You can keep reminding them about it during the trip to keep them in a good mood. Make sure you grab a takeaway coffee somewhere along the way, to keep you in a good mood too.
Mummy Hack 6: Don’t leave your back-to-school shopping until the last minute.
Some days, your toddler is going to wake up feeling off-colour or out of sorts, and it is better not to even try going out the door. If you’ve got enough time to reschedule the trip, then you can just have a relaxing inside day instead.
Happy tantrum-free shopping!
How do you avoid toddler tantrums when you’re out shopping?
DAIRYLEA cheese believes in a world where the best food is made with simple and honest ingredients. Where fun and play should be part of your every day, for kids as well as mums…So to support the fun loving mums of the world, we’ve invented MUMMY HACKS. These are the mummy inspired ideas that help take the ‘um’ out of being a mum.
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