
Her son came out on Facebook, so she wrote him this letter...

How would you react if your son told you he was gay? Or your daughter for that matter?

This week we stumbled across a beautiful Facebook exchange between a mother and son. The son came out as bisexual on Facebook. He didn't tell his mother. But she found out and wrote him this letter:

The mother and son were later identified as Michelle Conway McClain and Zach Gibson. Michelle contacted the Facebook page NO H8, the page that originally published the letter. She explained:

I'm the mother who wrote the note to my son when he came out as bisexual that was shared by No H8 Campaign. I knew I wouldn't see Zach before I left work that morning, so I didn't want him to start his day without knowing I support him 100%, even though I was sure he already knew. I posted the note on my Facebook page knowing my friends and family would think it was typical of me to end with a joke since Zach and I share the same sarcastic wit. I had no idea it would become such a huge sensation on the internet. Zach has been absolutely overwhelmed with all of the support he has received. People keep telling me that I'm an amazing mother, but it's easy to be when I have such an amazing son.

Thank you!


Zach then posted his reply on the page:

I'm Zach, the one this is addressed too. When I came out last week, I never expected this much support. I knew my mom would be fine with it, but I never expected this letter and I never expected this many people to spread it around. This means so much.

How would you react if your child told you they were gay?

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