I don’t often think about retirement, but sometimes – when the kids are wearing me out and work is grinding me down – a retirement fantasy does creep into my head.
It involves a house by the beach, piles of books and lots of good coffee. I’m sure everyone’s got their own fantasy. But the worrying fact is that most women don’t have enough superannuation to retire comfortably. That means the reality could end up being more like a cold, damp flat, daytime TV and instant coffee.
If you want to take control and achieve your life goals in retirement, Financial Adviser Sandy Wilson has some advice on how to do it.
1. Focus on owning your own home.
When you’re young, saving for a house deposit and then paying off the mortgage tend to be your priorities. That makes good financial sense.
“There’s no tax benefit in having a mortgage for your primary residence,” Sandy points out.
Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by HOSTPLUS Super. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
2. Start contributing to your super as early as you can.
You might not have much money to spare at the start of your working life. But if you can afford to contribute even $10 or $20 a week to your super, do it.
“The further away you are from retirement, the more compounding interest will be your friend,” Sandy says.
3. Look at investing.
You don’t have to be a hotshot driving around in a sports car to buy shares. You can get started with as little as $500 or $1,000. If you’re confident about investing directly in the share market, you can do it online through a bank. Otherwise, you can go to a sharebroker and get advice. If you don’t have a lot of money to invest, another option is managed funds. That way your money doesn’t all go into one or two shares.
Sandy says shares and managed funds can be good for people in their 20s and 30s, who might need to access their money in a hurry. “Younger people may prefer not to have all their investments locked away in super or in property,” she adds.