
Learn to urinate and vomit on cue (plus other handy hints to keep you safe).

Hey, so, you know how, as a woman, every time you leave your house you have a responsibility to not get raped?

Cover your drink at all times. Don’t drink at all. Don’t go out after dark. Don’t go anywhere alone, ever.  Don’t go out with your hair in a ponytail. Actually, just don’t have long hair. Learn how to urinate and vomit on cue (it scares them off). Wear overalls with a belt at all times. Never wear heels. Make eye contact with your rapist. Don’t make eye contact with your rapist. Don’t get raped.


But essential lessons to learn, if you’re a woman. Because it’s definitely your responsibility to be less rape-able and not a rapist’s responsibility not to rape you.

So thankfully, filmmaker Cat Del Buono has compiled all the tips you need to know in her new short video How To Not Get Raped (H/T Jezebel) And every tip she references is an actual suggestion she found in Cosmopolitan, WikiHow and US college brochures, so you know they’re totally legit.

Easy, right? Now, if only we followed all of these helpful tips, none of us would ever get raped, ever!





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