
This is how much television is okay for babies, according to "The Sleep Mama".

Kylie Camps, the woman behind the popular blog The Sleep Mama, yesterday released a video addressing the question:”How much TV is good for babies?”

As a mother of twin boys, Camps explains how her and her partner discovered they were indirectly allowing their boys to watch a great deal of TV, just by constantly having it on in the background.

“Just having a TV on for background noise can negatively impact a babies development,” the sleep consultant says.

“It distracts them from what they should be doing which is playing,” she adds.

According to Camps and, to be fair, multiple peer-reviewed journal articles, say play is essential for optimum brain development in infants.

“It’s not just not good for you, it’s actually bad for a baby,” Camps insists, citing the national recommendation for how much television a baby should watch – which is none. Zero hours.

This Glorious Mess, Mamamia’s podcast for imperfect parents. Post continues below…

Although Camps prefaces her seven-minute video by saying this is not about shaming parents or passing judgement, she does highlight at several points the “negative impact” exposure to television has on babies.

“It’s not just what they’re not learning from the TV, it’s what they’re not getting from you if they’re watching the TV,” she says.

Camps says television is also known to “disrupt sleep” and isn’t doing anyone “any favours”.

She concludes with a sentiment hopefully we can all agree on, which is that parents should make decisions they are “comfortable with”.

Knowledge is power, but we must also remember that deep down, most mums and dads are just doing the best they can, and often, that involves the television on in the background.

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