Okay, friends.
We’ve covered how much money millennials have in their bank accounts, and how many people they’ve slept with. But because we’re all nosey as all hell (I might be the one writing this post, but you’re the one who clicked on it) why don’t we find out how much money millennials earn?
This stuff is my kind of drug.
I reached out to millennials on all corners of the internet (and by that I mean my personal Facebook page and the Mamamia Out Loud Facebook group) to ask you – the millennial reader people – to tell me your most sacred financial information. You delivered in freakin’ spades.
To say I was inundated with responses is an understatement. In one day over 145 of you wanted to spill your salary secrets. Because we’re all busy and itching to get back to Instagram scrolling, I’ve condensed the hundreds of responses; here’s what 12 of you told us instead.
Teacher, 29
We had many teachers get back to us, but this teacher – who is eight years into her career – takes home a yearly salary of $86,000. She’s a follower of the Barefoot Investor, so saves $1200 a month “into my fire and smile account”.
She’s very happy with how things are, telling Mamamia: “I prefer a job that is secure and that I know I will have in the future. I like knowing when I will get paid and that I can’t be fired easily so if that means I get paid less than other people my age, I’m happy with that.”
The Barefoot Investor shares his best financial advice for the average single woman, with Mia Freedman on No Filter. Post continues after audio.