
The effortless way Kim and Kanye choose their baby names.

Four-and-a-half years on and it would appear Kim and Kanye really weren’t joking when they decided to name their first child after a point on a compass.

North West – the child, not the direction – came into the world in June 2013 as arguably the most famous spawn in the world, marking the moment Kim and Kanye ventured over the hill and into the land of mildly wacky baby names.

Speaking to British GQ at the end of 2014, Kim detailed how initially, Pharrell Williams and Anna Wintour encouraged the name North along.

“It was a rumour in the press and we’d never really considered it seriously, at all, but Kanye and I were having lunch […] about a year ago and Pharrell came over to us and said, ‘Oh, my God, are you guys really going to call your daughter North? That is the best name.

“I said ‘No we’re not, that’s just a rumour.’

But then Vogue‘s editor-in-chief Ann Wintour dropped by their table.

“Then a little while later Anna Wintour came over and asked the same thing.

“She told us ‘North is a genius name.’

Image: Getty.

"Kanye and I looked at one another and just laughed. I guess at that point it sort of stuck."

TMZ also reported the couple chose the name North to symbolise her birth as the "highest point" of their relationship, symbolic of the fact that they see their daughter as their "North Star".

Soon after, in December 2015, the couple welcomed Saint West. Sources at the time believed Saint was named Saint as they wanted to show how much of a "blessing" their son was after Kim's "difficult pregnancy".

Looking at this, we can safely assume their new baby's name will be one brimming with meaning.

But if we wanted to know for sure what's coming next, then perhaps this quote from Kim to Ellen DeGeneres can help: "Short, easy to spell, one syllable, that’s kind of my vibe."

So, Wild then?

Listen: We speak to an expert about how to tell if you're baby name's bogan, on our podcast for imperfect parents.

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