
"How I'm preparing for the Logies"






Are you going with Hamish to the Logies? What is your skin care preparation for something like this?

I am indeed going to the Logies! I am so proud of my dude that I have genuinely considered having a t-shirt made saying “VOTE ONE BLAKE!” but then I realised people might just think I am a really passionate Blake Lively fan.

The Logies are both a terrifying and thrilling notion for a lady, and they require more preparation (and avoidance of carbohydrates) than one might imagine. But oh THE FUN! If you can remember what getting ready for your school formal was like, it’s a bit like that, but on Red Bull. My favourite part is the flight down to Melb the day before, in which the plane heaves with Home and Away stars, all carrying dress and suit bags.

Now. You are right to ask about skin care preparation, Bianca. Because while makeup might (“does”) work wonders, I will always advocate and pursue a pretty excellent canvas first. Makeup sits so much better on glowy, healthy skin. And in close up photos, it makes a big bloody difference. Just ask any bride. (Except Kim Kardashian. She might be a little touchy.)

I always do the same thing leading up to a big event, or book tour: book in a bunch of Omnilux Revive sessions. I write about this habit extensively in Amazing Face, so I apologise to those who already know this and who are now scrolling up to read another blog post. We’ll miss you.

Omnilux is a pizza-box sized lamp of very bright light which you lay under, eyes closed, goggles on, for 20 minutes. It is entirely non-invasive, non-painful (it feels like you are laying under the Mediterranean sun, in fact) and you can walk out and get on with your day immediately. (The REAL results shine through the next day.)


Omnilux complements the skin’s own ability to rejuvenate, boosts collagen synthesis and breeds a ludicrous amount of glow. My face looks plump and healthy, tone is bright and luminous, lines are softened and even dark circles seem to fade. Think of it as a lovely, warm light that you lay under to recharge your skin cells. Like a computer or phone. It’s g-damn miracle worker. Not even the diabolically hungover or tired stand a chance against lamp.

There are three possible heads for the lamp: Revive, Plus and Blue. I choose revive because the effects are instant and the red light boosts my happy chemicals. The Plus is infrared and is better for more mature skin, and long term effects. Blue is for clearing acne and congestion.

A fast tracked, power program* for great skin:

*This is course this is dependent on the state of your skin and how much time and cash you have – each Omnilux session is around $85 and takes around 45 minutes all up, including cleansing and moisturising. I got to The Facial Room in Woollahra and see gorgeous Jocelyn.

Two weeks out: A peel (such as Priori LCA) then the Revive lamp, then a hydrating mask. An additional session of just the lamp a few days later wouldn’t be crazy, either.

Week of event: An exfoliation and Revive lamp session, then a day or two before the actual event, Revive lamp and a hydrating mask.

That’s the best possible scenario for amazo skin in my opinion.

Yes, I have regular facials, with beautiful steaming and extractions and massage and thermal masks as well, but for DEFINITE, ASSURED glow, I will always opt for the company of Lady Omnilux Von Revive.

Glowy Foster.

Zoe is an author, columnist and porridge fan. She was beauty director of Cosmopolitan, Harper’s BAZAAR and PRIMPED and then collated all the best tips and tricks from her time in these roles for the beauty bible, Amazing Face. She is currently the dating columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine, although her best advice in this arena can probably be found in the dating and relationship guide, Textbook Romance , which she co-wrote with Hamish Blake. Zoe has published three novels, Air Kisses, Playing The Field and The Younger Man, and she rates them among the best novels ever written in the history of the written word. Find more info on her here, or supervise on her daily procrastination here and here.

Please understand that Zoë cannot respond to ALL your questions – but never fear, there are readers that are bound to know the answers, so don’t be afraid to ask.

Ever had to prepare for a big event? Formal? Wedding? Red Carpet? How did you prepare?

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