At 28 weeks pregnant, I drove myself to the hospital with chest and stomach pains, leaving my partner & 15-month old at home. Assuming I was being overcautious I told my partner I would call him if it were anything serious.
But as I walked into Emergency, I broke down. The pain had become unbearable, I thought I was going into early labor and I couldn’t breathe. I was having my first anxiety attack. If I was really honest with myself, it had been coming for a long time.
Since I fell pregnant with my second baby, every single day felt like a struggle just to get to the end of it. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, emotional, mentally unbalanced and in hindsight, the anxiety I felt in my chest never left me. I was struggling with the pressure and constant need from my son, and a deeply hidden fear of having another one and how I was going to cope, which of course comes with a healthy serving of guilt.
My private meltdowns had become almost a daily occurrence and had started spilling into my public life and my hospital admission was the final straw that forced me to take a good, hard look at myself and now, after a lot of self-discovery, I now understand where I went so very wrong.
Upon falling pregnant with my son (my first), I had subconsciously placed rules and regulations on myself of how (my definition) of a good mother should behave. I mean I really set myself up to fail. Firstly, myself & my partner enrolled in a hypno-birthing class & told everyone who would listen we were going to do it naturally and that it wouldn’t hurt. Well, I did manage to do it naturally but it hurt like hell and I did beg for the drugs, they just wouldn’t give them too me. FAIL.