February 3 2015 is a day I will never forget. It’s the day I found out not only was I pregnant, but that I was in labour and it was certain I was going to give birth that day.
My name is Megan Bradford, I’m 22 years old, and for nine months I had no idea I was growing a small human inside me.
“How?” “What happened to your period?” “Do you know who the father is?” are all questions I face whenever I tell someone about our unusual situation. However, in the 18 months since my son’s birth I’ve learned so much about myself and motherhood that not even a few little questions from the skeptic on the street can deter me from being the best mother possible.
Before motherhood I was your average 20-something. I was studying a business degree, had a great group of friends, and a part-time retail job. Every day of the week was spent with my friends doing something different; we went to trivia at the pub on Thursdays, drinks after work on Saturday and/or Sunday, midweek adventures all over Melbourne trying out new burger restaurants,and the occasional road trip down the Peninsula. I was fortunate enough to spend two months in Europe drinking, eating and skiing my way around the continent, which I am so incredibly thankful for, as it will be a long time before I get to experience a solo backpacking trip again.
Upon my return to Australia I met a boy named Matt. He was cute and it wasn’t long before we started dating casually — it wasn't really serious. I visited the doctor quite soon after we started dating so we could discuss contraception, leaving the clinic with a script for the pill and permission from the doctor to skip my period whenever I wanted. He said there was no long-term effect if I didn’t want to menstruate, so with his permission every month I would skip the sugar pills therefore skipping that horrible time of the month.