
HOROSCOPES: Hit the reset button this week, Cancer.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning June 30. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

This week, the new moon in your home zone brings a burst of energy for all things domestic. If renovations are on your mind, now's the time to start. Searching for a new place to call your own? This weekend's perfect for exploring options, whether you're renting or buying. And for the young Rams ready to leave the nest, the cosmos says go for it — your adventure is just beginning. 



With Mercury moving into your home zone, family becomes your priority. From Tuesday, connect through a creative project or a day trip. Even planning something as simple as a family movie night can bridge gaps and build memories. If tensions have been high, using this time to celebrate each other's company can heal old wounds. Lean into the comfort and loyalty of family this week; let love be the glue that holds you together. 



Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.


This Monday, Jupiter aligns with Chiron, the healing asteroid, setting the stage for mending or reflecting on past friendships. Whether you're rekindling a connection or seeking closure, this celestial support aids in understanding past dynamics. It might be about acknowledging your role in a disagreement, finding forgiveness, or moving ahead with a clearer, more peaceful mindset. Whatever the outcome, it's a week for deep healing and moving forward. 



The new moon in your sign this Saturday is a chance to hit the reset button. Take a hard look at how you think about your professional ambitions and your relationships. Are you aiming too low or expecting too much? It may be time to recalibrate. Use this lunation to adjust your outlook and realign your efforts for better balance and fulfilment. La Luna empowers you to shift your mindset and rewrite your narrative if you choose. 

POWER DAY Saturday.


On Tuesday, Mercury enters your sign, boosting your mental energy. If a tricky problem has been nagging at you, prepare for a fresh perspective that could break the deadlock. Mercury's clarity is a boon, but be wary of getting lost in a sea of possibilities. Use this clever planetary presence to organise your thoughts and set clear priorities. Focus on your best ideas, pick one, and commit to its completion. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Now's the time to evaluate your relationship dynamics. Address any issues that are dampening your happiness, but avoid ultimatums. Instead, focus on open, honest dialogue — first with yourself, then with the other person. If things are going well, protect and nurture that happiness, ignoring external distractions. Singles, let Saturn's realism and Neptune's dreams guide you in defining what you truly need and want in a partner. This week could bring a revelation that reshapes your relationship goals. 



In a casual relationship? Venus and Saturn's alignment elevates it to the next level. If it's not making your heart sing, this is the perfect week for a dignified departure, a move that applies equally to dysfunctional long-term relationships. Reflect on what truly matters to you, ensuring your next steps are informed and intentional. For singles, look for a match who is as dependable as they are appealing. Let genuine compatibility lead, with physical attraction taking a back seat. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.


The new moon awakens your wanderlust, but if an actual getaway isn't possible, why not take a mental vacation? This week, block off a few hours just for you — to explore a hobby, lose yourself in a novel, or drift into daydreams. In these moments of solitude, you'll find the mental space to formulate ambitious plans for your future. Let this period of introspection inspire and guide your next big steps. 

POWER DAY Saturday.


The new moon prompts a deep dive into your self-worth. Ask yourself if your contributions are being valued as they should be. If the answer is no, remember you have the agency to alter your situation. Start setting the terms for what you accept. While immediate change may be challenging, even a minor adjustment can lead to a significantly improved path, reinforcing your worth in every aspect of your life. 



La Luna ushers in a new phase with your number one person — be that your partner, child, or best friend. How's the give-and-take in this relationship? Share what's in your heart and mind, ensuring you prioritise your own emotional needs as well. This isn't about insisting on your own way but creating space for both views to be heard and appreciated. Lead with kindness, aiming to strengthen your connection through empathetic dialogue. 

POWER DAY Saturday.


You might face an initial setback with Saturn and Neptune retrograding in your financial sector. View it as a chance to fine-tune your budget and future plans. Remember, sometimes you must clear out the old to make room for the new. Use this time to strategise and set new financial goals. With the upcoming new moon, you'll find the perfect momentum to implement these plans and start building a more secure financial future. 



As Saturn and Neptune start their retrograde through your sign, you might notice things slowing down, especially with a current project or relationship. While it's easy to feel frustrated, take a moment to reflect — maybe you were pushing too hard. Use this planetary backspin to reassess and realign your efforts for a more successful result. Also, take this time to recharge — your physical health needs some love, ensuring you're in top form to tackle life and love with renewed gusto. 

POWER DAY Saturday.

Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature image: Mamamia.

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