
A mother explains her reason for homeschooling her kids on live radio.

What happens when a homeschooling mum and a teacher go head-to-head on a radio show? Well, things get a little intense.

Lindy Hadges, a mum who has homeschooled all five of her kids, was invited onto Kyle and Jackie O’s radio show yesterday morning.

Things started out calmly enough, with Hadges explaining why she chose to homeschool and how she thought it helped her children.

“It’s just giving them time to develop, reflect, daydream, actually work out who they are,” she explained. “I find most homeschooled kids are more mature than peers their age and generally their identity is stronger. They know what they like, they know what they don’t like, and I see that as a really good thing.”

But the tone changed when listeners began calling in. One was Anna, who said she’d been a teacher for 10 years.

“She is doing a disservice to her children,” Anna said firmly. “She’s doing what so many parents are doing nowadays, which is indulging their own selfishness and what they want for their own children rather than what’s best for their children.”

Selfish? Well...

When Hadges tried to explain that if she was indulging her own selfishness it would be easier for her to send her kids off to school, Anna cut in.

"No, no, no, I’m not talking about that selfishness. What I’m talking about is that wanting to be their friend and keep them happy and loving and, 'Oh, no one’s ever going to hurt you, my darling.' But the reality is the world is not like that."

She went on. "They’re not going to go into their boss and say, 'Oh, look, I don’t feel like doing this today,' and their boss isn’t going to say, 'Oh, darling, that’s okay, let’s go and colour in in the lounge room.'"

But Hadges explained that she said no to her kids every day.


"I think what it actually has meant when my children have met with authority is they’re far more prepared to challenge authority and negotiate with it," she added.

Speaking to The Motherish, Hadges says she's used to being attacked for homeschooling her kids. In fact, she says, it's not as bad as it used to be.

"Back when I started, 22 years ago, people were absolutely outraged and scandalised," she remembers.

Here's a Sunrise report on home schooling in Australia. Post continues after video...

Hadges says over the past 20 years there's been a "huge growth" in people homeschooling their kids in Australia. At least 12,000 are officially registered, but there are estimates that this might only be 20 or 30 per cent of the real figure.

She says there are different reasons why people choose to homeschool - they might be unhappy with the education system or have strong religious beliefs - but one of the biggest reasons is bullying.

"I’ve heard story after story - and it breaks my heart - of children who are bullied. They go to the teachers, they go to the principals, it just doesn’t get resolved. So, in absolute desperation, parents who would have never considered homeschooling are forced into that option to protect their children."

Hadges has one piece of advice for parents who are thinking of pulling their kids out of school and homeschooling them.

"Take a year off and just enjoy them. Have lots and lots of fun. They need to come out of that way of thinking that learning happens when they're sitting at a desk from nine o’clock to three o'clock."

Would you consider homeschooling your kids?

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