
The beautiful silver lining for the "homeless hero" of the Manchester attack.

A British billionaire has promised to provide accommodation for a homeless man who was hailed a “hero” following the Manchester Area bomb attack.

The wealthy football club co-owner, David Sullivan, and his eldest son, Dave Sullivan Jr, set out to pay for the man’s rent for the next six months after they heard of his bravery following the attack.

Stephen Jones, who was woken by the blast near the Manchester Area on Monday night, said it was just his “instinct” to go and help victims of the attack.

“Just because I’m homeless doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart,” he told ITV.


Jones said he witnessed a lot of children “with blood all over them and crying and screaming”.

“We were having to pull nails out of their arms and a couple out of this little girl’s face,” he added.

The Sullivans were so moved by the homeless man’s efforts they took to social media to find him.

“It looks like he needs some help, so we are desperate to find who he is and give him six months free accommodation and a little bit of money to help him on his way,” David Sullivan, the co-owner of West Ham United Football Club told the BBC.

Hours later, Steve had been found, and the Sullivans are said to be working out a plan to pay Jones’ rent for the next six months, and provide him with new clothes and opportunities to find work.


“Dave and myself were both hugely impressed by the bravery shown by Steve, the emergency services and all those who rushed to the aid of those affected by the Manchester attack,” Mr Sullivan told West Ham Football club.

Listen: ‘We Need To Talk About Manchester.’ Post continues…

“This was a terrible incident, but the response of the people of Manchester has been one of bravery, togetherness and resilience – the hallmarks of what makes Britain such a fantastic place.”

“Steve was just one of hundreds of people who forgot about their own safety and rushed to the aid of others, and we were both moved by his story.”


The Manchester Arena bomb attack left 22 people dead and more than 50 injured.

The suspected perpetrator of the attack is a 22-year-old male who Mamamia has chosen not to name.

If you’d like to support the victims of the attack and their families, you can donate to the Manchester attack victims fund here.

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