
Home and Away star Samara Weaving unintended centre of US Election social media scam.

By Brett Williamson.

A screen-test horror make-up shot of Adelaide-born Samara Weaving has become the centre of a fake social media post in the US election.

Actress Samara Weaving’s 2015 make up test shot for the TV series Ash vs Evil Dead has been used to make claims of violence against Trump supporters.

Twitter account Conservative Nation used the image and claimed: “Here’s what happened to female Trump supporter when she met ‘peaceful’ and ‘tolerant’ liberals.”


The image was lifted from a photo shared by make-up artist Hannah Wilson, which appeared in a Daily Mail article in the UK in January. Ms Weaving played the role of Heather in season one of the horror-comedy series. The similarity was quickly spotted and pointed out by The Evil Dead star and producer Bruce Campbell, who also stars in the new Ash Vs Evil Dead TV series.


Actress Samara Weaving responded to the misuse of the image by requesting its removal.

This post originally appeared on ABC News.

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