
Excellent little girl asks Hillary Clinton whether female presidents get equal pay.

Adorable proof that it’s never too early to start asking the tough questions.

Hillary Clinton may have been the most famous person in the room at this Las Vegas event, but it was one of her tiniest fans who stole the show.

US presidential candidate Clinton, 67, fronted a ‘town hall’ event at a Nevada community centre on Tuesday. As she fielded a range of questions from the crowd, a cute-as-a-button little girl took to the microphone to ask one killer question.

The little girl, speaking confidently into the microphone, asked the Democratic presidential hopeful: “Do you think when you’re President you’ll be paid as much as if you were a male?”

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Clinton told her adorable fan in response: “Oh my goodness, well this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same.”

The former US Secretary of State continued: “You know, but there are so many examples where that doesn’t happen, where women doing the same job are not paid as same. So as President, one of the things I’m going to do is to make sure not just the President gets paid the same whether it’s a woman or a man, but every woman in every job gets paid the same as the men who are doing that job.”

Clinton then gave the girl a hug and posed for a photo with her small supporter.

The little brunette girl asked: “Do you think when you’re President you’ll be paid as much as if you were a male?”

The sweet moment was captured by Bloomberg Business and shared on YouTube, where it has been viewed more than 35,000 times.


Clinton even posted the video on her own official Facebook page this morning, writing: “It’s never too early to start asking the tough questions.”

“As President, one of the things I’m going to do is to make sure not just the President gets paid the same whether it’s a woman or a man, but every woman in every job gets paid the same as the men who are doing that job,” Clinton responded.

Former FLOTUS Clinton has consistently advocated for gender pay equality in the US, where women make just 84 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts, according to a December 2013 Pew Research Poll.

In Australia, the stats are also pretty grim. In February, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed the gender pay gap had reached a record high.

That data showed that a man working full-time in Australia will earn $1,587.40 a week on an average, whereas a woman working full-time earns $1289.30. That’s a weekly difference of $298.10.

Related: 15 things that’ll happen before the gender pay gap closes.

In March this year, a United Nations International Labour Organisation study revealed that, if current trends continue, it will take seven decades for the gap between men and women’s pay to close.

That’s 70 years until women are paid equally for carrying out the same work as men. Ouch.

Here’s hoping our next generation of politicians are every bit as feisty and clever as Clinton’s precocious fan…

Some inspirational career quotes from successful women:


No, Hillary Clinton is not “too old” to be President.

Hillary Clinton’s perfect pro-vaccination tweet.

Kick-arse career advice from Hillary Clinton.

Myths about the gender pay gap.

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