
The monumental meaning behind Hillary Clinton's election party venue.

In just a few short hours, the world will know who will lead the United States of America for the next four years.

It’s no secret that we here at Mamamia have thrown our weight fully behind Hillary Clinton from the very beginning.

And as the polls come to a close, the White House hopeful is making her way to the Javits Centre in Manhattan, New York, for her election night party.

Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally on election day. Picture: Getty Images/Justin Sullivan.

The 36-year-old building is an enormous convention centre -- one of the busiest in the entire country -- in Hell's Kitchen, opposite the Hudson River.

But it is not its location, nor its grandiose facade, that makes its a perfect setting for Clinton's big night. The venue is thick with symbolism.

As the voting results pour in, Clinton will be standing beneath a physical and metaphoric glass ceiling.

The running theme throughout the Democratic party candidate's election campaign has been to shatter the proverbial glass ceiling -- while facing off against a Republican candidate, Donald Trump, who has consistently shown a blatant disrespect for women.

Clinton's mantra has inspired an entire generation of young women and girls to continue the fight for gender equality

And should the votes fall the way the polls are predicting, then we will be seeing her campaign coming full circle in a monumental way.

A perfect backdrop for such an important moment.

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