
A bridesmaid 'ruined' her best friend's wedding photos. The truth is a completely different story.

Some have slammed the bridesmaid for hogging all the attention.

Making the day ‘all about her’.

Or, even, being a ‘maid of horror‘.

Here I stand, Abby Ballard, rejecting all those accusations and calling this bridesmaid an absolute star.

If you missed the photos, the wedding photos of Rebecca and James Foster went viral, all thanks to their maid-of-honour, Carolyn Wester.

Unlike traditional wedding photos, Carolyn didn’t stand politely to the side of the photo. Instead, she did this:

maid of honour crazy photos

Image via Ashley Hempel

As soon as I saw these photos I first thought, "THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MY BEST FRIEND AND I WOULD DO."

I wasn't the only one who had this idea cross their mind, with memes of the photographs being shared across the internet.

Speaking to Viral Thread, the bride, Rebecca, said she had planned the photos to be exactly like that.

"The groom had no idea what we decided to do, but once we started acting goofy, he played along and was laughing," she said.

"We had been outside in the 36 C weather in the sun all day in formal attire for hours, and we figured we could try and perk everyone up and make them laugh."


In case you're still not convinced Carolyn was secretly hoping to make the day all about her, the wedding photographer has assured the public there were plenty of romantic photos taken.

"There are many other romantic photos of the bride and groom without the maid of homies goofy expressions," she wrote on Facebook.

A bridesmaid was excluded from the bridal party because of her weight. What are your thoughts? 

You can see more of Ashley Hempel's photography on her website or Facebook page.

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