
Anthony was sent a new driver's licence in the mail. Only something was very, very wrong.

Anthony Kilsby seems like your average, Aussie male.

He’s 36 years old. He lives in Grovedale, a suburb of Geelong in Victoria.

He stands a six foot three, has dreadlocks, and is Caucasian, a fact which normally wouldn’t be significant to a story but in this case it kinda, sorta is.

Image via Facebook.

You see, the other day, Anthony received a new driver's licence in the mail. He hadn't ordered it, but somehow, it appeared on his doorstep. The licence bore his name, his address and his date of birth.

But the photo that appeared on the licence was most certainly not him. Instead, the picture featured was that of an Asian woman.

Anthony and his new licence have since caused quite the stir on Twitter, after he posted a photo of it only asking VicRoads what the heck had gone so wrong.


VicRoads responded to his tweet, telling Anthony it looks as though the mistake had been made thanks to a "case of mistaken identity".

In a statement to Daily Mail, VicRoads executive director of registration and licensing David Shelton said an apology was issued to both Anthony and the woman whose picture is featured on his licence.

"As a result of a processing error at one of our customer service centres, an incorrect photo was matched to the wrong customer's file," the statement said.

"We have spoken to both customers to apologise and have reviewed their files to ensure they are matched with the correct photos and taken action to ensure this doesn't happen again."

Here's hoping Anthony doesn't get pulled over with this 'new' licence anytime soon, or there's sure to be one very, very confused police officer walking the streets.

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